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Hey all!

I'm working on a *top secret* project which will be a sandbox style setting with a few mini adventures tossed into it. Kinda like Dungeons & Lairs' books, but the adventures are a bit shorter (2-3 pages each).

But what should the dominant theme of the book be? 

Vote below for the theme/setting you like best.



I voted for Hills because I feel this is an underrepresented terrain in DnD and it provides for all kinds of interesting encounters


Grandmas attic


I voted coastal because it was closest to what I would like to see. A large tropical island run by pirate/outlaw politics with several cities. The city's are connected by long wide rivers. Many races, and exotic wandering monsters. Different terrain types on island like jungle, plains, a small mountain range and pockets of firest on the plains. I have started building such a campaign. I call it Rirdyn Island. My book is called The Village Idiots Guide to Rirdyn Island.


Voting for underground because I've always noticed MY players' characters tend to get more and more desperate the longer they're beneath the surface. It's also a little easier to cook up unforeseen surprises.


I could send you my Island if you would like to finish the campaign and make it look nice.


We're in a need for some more swamp adventures, so I picked this one


I voted hills because they are a transition part that seems to be forgotten a lot. I wonder what happens there, what kind of monsters or foes you will meet?