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Hey folks!

Another little value adds for all of you, June has officially been declared as our month to clean up the Patreon and websites. Here is what this means for all of you:

  • You will still get weekly Dungeons & Lairs adventures, including FoundryVTT packs.
  • You will still get your May buckler.
  • You will still get 1-2 books (probably Dungeons & Lairs 4 and Just Passing Through 2).

So nothing really changes there. However, we'll be doing the following:

  • Making sure all the old FoundryVTT packs are fixed and working.
  • Creating a website to make finding adventures a million times easier. This one is long overdue, but I'm going to sit down and actually create a catalog similar to the one that our friend Tom has for his maps.
  • Tightening up all the marketing copy and tier rewards so that there's a clear overall message.

The only things you'll be missing out on are any extra books that I might have done (Horror, BQ, etc.) and additional adventures, etc. 

TL;DR: nothing's really changing, but we're adding a website to make things easier for you to find what you're looking for.


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