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Hey everyone!

We stopped printing BroadSword back in October/November because it was relatively expensive to keep printing it. Since that time, I've managed to reduce the costs to print and ship books considerably, especially for the Dungeons & Lairs books which more or less have taken the place of BroadSword (and, frankly, are a lot cooler).

With that said, I'm thinking about adding them back to the slate of patron rewards.

June Tier Changes

Here's how I'm thinking it will work (this is still a rough idea, so things might change). If you all like this, this will be the new plan in June.

Basically, everything stays the same, but a few tiers are getting more benefits to entice upgrades.

Trinket will still be $1 and will get the following benefits:

  • Last four weeks of Dungeons & Lairs adventures (print and full-color) only
  • Discord privileges.
  • Voting privileges.

Copper will still get full access to the back catalog and stay $3.

  • All Dungeons & Lairs adventures in the back catalog (print and full-color).
  • Discord privileges.
  • Voting privileges.

Silver will be $7, and get the following:

  • All Dungeons & Lairs adventures in the back catalog (print and full-color).
  • The latest release of Buckler.
  • Discord privileges.
  • Voting privileges.

Electrum will continue and be $15.

  • All Dungeons & Lairs adventures in the back catalog (print and full-color).
  • The latest 3 releases of Buckler.
  • Last four weeks of "working" Foundry Packs. This means that anything that has been made or corrected within the last four weeks (including old ones we've fixed) will be available for download for Electrum patrons. But once they've been fixed and aged out, they'll be gated again. That way, if you missed certain FoundryVTT packs, you'll be able to get them again.
  • Discord privileges.
  • Voting privileges.

Gold will stay $25 but will get some significant upgrades.

  • All Dungeons & Lairs adventures in the back catalog (print and full-color).
  • The latest 6 releases of Buckler (6 months' worth of content).
  • Last 3 months' worth of FoundryVTT packs.
  • Latest Dungeons & Lairs and Just Passing Through books in PDF format.
  • A physical copy of Dungeons & Lairs (only in certain countries).
  • Discord privileges.
  • Voting privileges.

Platinum will continue and be $50.

  • All Dungeons & Lairs adventures in the back catalog (print and full-color).
  • The latest 12 releases of Buckler (12 months' worth of content).
  • Last 6 months' worth of FoundryVTT packs.
  • Last 3 months' worth of Dungeons & Lairs and Just Passing Through books in PDF format.
  • A physical copy of Dungeons & Lairs (only in certain countries).
  • Discord privileges.
  • Voting privileges.

Diamond is the newest tier and gets a whole lot coming its way. It's $100.

  • All Dungeons & Lairs adventures in the back catalog (print and full-color).
  • All bucklers.
  • All FoundryVTT packs.
  • Last 6 months' worth of Dungeons & Lairs and Just Passing Through books in PDF format.
  • Physical copies of Dungeons & Lairs and Just Passing through. Limited to certain countries.
  • Discord privileges.
  • Voting privileges.

What do you think?

Below, I've created a poll to gauge what you think. Mainly, I'm interested in seeing what you think about the physical books. 

Vote below.


Dan Heath

I'm already gold and happy to be there but the return of physical books would be a great bonus. Would the UK be one of the 'certain countries' if that's the case?


Dan, Yeah, UK is one. I believe it's: US, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, and France.


I am happy in my current tier, but love that print is an option again. I'm hoping to check out your shop the next time the Norman Renaissance festival is open, and pick up a few physical copies of things.


Define "certain countries". Safe to assume Canada is included? We chatted this past weekend and while I (Wally) mentioned I have a preference for PDFs, physical books are pretty great too.


I'm currently bronze and mainly use the DL's as one shots. Like somebody mentioned before I wasn't aware that the new DL books could be used for mini campaigns (or that's how it sounds). Can you buy the books separately? Also, what is a buckler? Thanks


Yeah, it's basically US, Canada, UK, and the most populated EU countries (France, Italy, Canada, and Spain).


Matthew: yep! I'll make a post about what the D/L books have and include some samples. Yes, you can buy them separately. Buckler is a zip file that contains 1 month worth of content (so you can download it all in one shot).


I'm excited to see that post. If it could be used for a mini campaign I would definitely be interested in buying a book, then maybe more if it's easy to use. Is it written like a campaign? Level up suggestions and such?

Frank Moore

Hi Dave, this is just my 2¢. So take it for what it's worth. 😄 I've been a Copper member for years now -- long enough to have in excess of 3 GB of files from you. That said, given the new directions you've been moving in, I'd be willing to upgrade to a tier that gives me access to all of the D&L Adventures as well as the D&L Books (as PDFs) when they come out. That said, I have NO interest in any of the VTT content. And if I want to buy physical copies, I'm cool with the discount I get in the store. How's that?


I was wavering between keeping Gold or moving down to Electrum before the end of the month. This will keep me at Gold for the future.


That sounds good. I'll probably add discounts across the board for those who don't care about the VTT stuff, etc.

Jared Colvert

I will absolutely move up to get physical books. I miss them so bad.

James Munnerlyn

I am content where I am. All my games are VTT since all my players are in distant locations. So the electronic material works best for me. Easier to work with a PDF when the game is all computer bound. I don't use Foundry VTT, so the VTT packs only work for me with the images of maps and tokens and may be some cool scenery images it might have. I could get by with just the maps. Common across each tier is they each receive 4 new D/Ls adventures each month. The added value is just a variant of the format of the content and how much access to back material. So, depending on format on how a patron wants the content, they will probably stay on a particular tier. With the current format, new patrons may pop in on a higher tier for a month, download all they can then drop down to a lower tier. To keep patrons on higher tiers you will probably need to add additional content not available to lower tiers. Printed versions cost more, so it would be logical that a tier with printed content would cost more. If you were to add additional content for higher tiers, you could also branch the tiers into one branch that had electronic only, and one branch that had electronic and printed to cover the table top and VTT needs. Currently when a patron has been in a tier for a period of time, the back issues become irrelevant at a point since the patron may have already received everything. So there is not much value for the patron remaining to keep them in a higher tier after that time passed, unless there is more new material. A few bonus carrots per tier might help.


I would like to be able to get just the magazine.


Hi Dave, I am autistic and find it hard to hold down a job, as a result this sub I have is my monthly excessive luxury for me. I would love to support you at a higher tier but honestly even the meagre amount I give monthly is hard to do and a regular sacrifice. In short love what you are doing, would love to gain more of it but cant possibly give more.


I am not happy with no more maps at the copper level for released stories since the last update.


I’m not sure what you mean. Maps have never been at copper except in a few circumstances.


I feel it was when you started to design your own maps instead of using other content creators. Those creators would also share your post and post the map. So not exactly you giving maps, but that’s the correlation.


I've been moving away from 5e stuff. If you start writing for other games I may be more interested in moving up tiers. Otherwise I'm happy to get a few adventures when you put them out.


Hey Michael, I've started linking to the free maps that we're using. That way you can get them from Tom directly.


I was in a similar situation, definitely will be sticking with Gold if it continues to include physical bling.


I will back up James' insightful analysis of the situation (2nd paragraph anyway). I do use the VTT assets, but I do not use Foundry (YET). The VTT content is a major benefit that is the primary reason I went to the Gold level earlier in 2023 from Copper. Adding a monthly physical book (or even semi-monthly) will most assuredly keep my Gold status active. The only downside I see to Gold now is if I do not keep up with the patreon (like, I get busy) I could miss PDF's of some of the D&L books and/or other "for print" PDFs you've been putting out like the Badge Quest one was originally and Helkara. That's kind of on me but I honestly think at $25/mo I should get a little slack on having to log in monthly. Still, I will make it a priority now that I'm aware ahead of time there is a time limit. I also think having more time limit at higher tiers is essentially just a guarantee that new people will use that tier for a month then drop to Gold when they get caught up. I couldn't possibly go higher than I am now (Gold) but if Plat and Diamond had some other additional content that was like unique adventures only they get or something I would not hold it against DMDave for having a sweetener that I don't get access, just to attract the "whales" of Patreon.


Usually I’m pretty lenient when folks ask me directly for something they’re missing. Just takes a ping or email.


The D&L books are not a magazine, they are reprinted content and new content mixed (about 75-80% recycled and 20-25% new content, but it's thematically cohesive, so that's a major plus). This puts it in a new format that is like a mini-campaign. You can already get the print version for the D&L Forest one from the DMDave.com website, so if you only wanted mainly the print book, then you could just buy off the store the print versions as they come out. I hope that DMDave is going to continue to offer store discount to patreon subs, so you might want to sub at whatever level offers a discount that could essentially pay for itself if you buy enough print books off the store.


I will add to this that I dropped from the high tier to gold when my spine surgery overlapped with the last month of dm led games. That being said your style, the good group/team, your community of involving other creators as well as a free tier that I & friends had used for awhile will keep my membership at some level. I will say I can't put my finger on it but I struggle with keeping up with downloading the month's content so I'll keep at a buckler level because hammy the squirrel from over the hedge brain I've got just doesn't mesh well with Patreon/downloading as it comes out or later. For example I missed January's content with traveling for doc appointments or I luckily got the physical copy of The Horror at Fort Orc'Igin vs the time limited (I do understand the need etc) I didn't. I greatly appreciate the new monthly roundup thing where I can now once a month find last month's post download everything that has been as huge a help as the website. I would pay an extra add on membership use/lose whatever for game tokens fridays 5pm cst ->Sundays sometime with y'all (I think it was moe, charlie, or....no I can't recall who all). Or virtual paid entry versions of limited time content ya do for conventions like The Horror at Fort Orc'Igin. Perhaps similarly make the The Horror at Fort Orc'Igin type content a limited qty one saturday & sunday at the store and/or mix in doing groups with discord/patreon membership. Regardless love the stuff y'all put out I'm on board.