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Hey all!

First, I want to say thank you for voting on the Helkara campaign setting book over the monster book. Not that I don't love the idea of doing a monster book, mind you. But it shows me that you're interested in this setting that's got me pretty excited, and that means a lot. This has been a pretty rocky year already (OGL, AI art woes, etc.), so knowing that you all care about something I've made that is a little different than the usual offer is pretty awesome.

Okay, enough mushy stuff. On to business!

Helkara books are coming.

Since we're no longer doing BroadSword Monthly and I've more or less got my weekly releases covered, I hope to focus my energy on building out the Helkara setting. When I grew up with D&D, there were many settings to choose from—Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Planescape, Spelljammer, Forgotten Realms, Dragon Lance, Greyhawk, and so on. I really liked how each one had a plethora of books to accompany it, too. 

(Granted, it's what ended up bankrupting TSR, but that's a whole other story.)

What about Omeria?

Of course, I spent the last 5 years or so working on Omeria. But Omeria was kinda cobbled together from disparate ends. I would toss in whatever I need when I needed it. And while I think it's fun as a "kitchen sink" setting capable of supporting lots of different styles, I kinda wanna do something a little more true to my fantasy roots. 

I like dark fantasy and sword & sorcery.

Growing up, fantasy films I watched were equal parts wonder and horror. I was already in my 20s when the first Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter movies came out. And while I enjoy those, they weren't the grim stories like Willow, Neverending Story, Krull, Conan the Barbarian, etc., that I  watched as a kid. Sure, LotR and HP have scary moments, but nothing like you'd see in those old movies. I still get shivers thinking about certain scenes.

Anyways, that's my 10-page backstory for you. 

Pick the books you like best.

My plan is to start off with the campaign book and then develop the product line from there. I don't plan on having a specific release schedule. I just hope to plan a book, write it, proof and format it, and publish it. When I'm at the proofing/formatting stage for a book, I'll sell it via pre-orders on my site and let you know what's up. No Kickstarters, no promise of monthly books. Just stuff dropping when it's ready. 

Here's a list of book ideas. Pick the ones you like best. Keep in mind that this doesn't include the Core book, which is already on its way.

The Monster Compendium: A collection of over 100+ creatures that can be found in the wilds of Helkara, including detailed statistics and information on their abilities and habitats.

The Adventurer's Handbook: A guide to adventuring in Helkara, including tips and tricks for navigating the dangerous terrain, surviving encounters with monsters, and making the most of your character's skills and abilities.

The Sorcerer's Grimoire: An in-depth guide to the magic of Helkara, including spells, incantations, and rituals.

The Quest Book: A collection of over 50 adventures and quests that characters can undertake in the world of Helkara, including both one-shot missions and ongoing campaigns.

The Campaign Setting Almanac: A collection of articles, essays, and stories that explore the rich history and culture of the Helkaran continent, including information on the different regions, cities, and factions that exist within the world.

The Art of War in Helkara: Military Tactics and Strategy, including rules for advanced campaigns involving city-building, raising armies, and political intrigue.

Goblins of Helkara: A book that focuses on the goblinoid races of Helkara, which includes rules for playing goblinoids, their history, and details on their culture.

Gamemaster's Guide to Helkara: A guide to creating memorable and engaging quests and campaigns within the world of Helkara, including tips on world-building, character development, and adventure design.

The Free City of Kisurra: A guide detailing the Free City of Kisurra, its peoples, and the surrounding environment.

Gods of Helkara: A book that details the dark, alien gods of Helkara, their purpose, and how to use them in your Helkara campaign setting.


Chris Spradlin

I'm glad you've chosen to just drop stuff when it's ready! <3


Is Helkara going to be solely DaveBorg? or is it going to be 5e compatible?


I'm going to call 5e/PF2e "easy mode" and DaveBorg "hard mode." You can choose whichever you like


As it will be Five Elements compatible, I look forward to the world of Helkara and how it best fits at my table.


so is it in vain my hope to see the conclusion of the hot8? 😭


(disambiguation: I love Mörk Borg so obv I will love this)


Yeah, it is what I mean! (if I remember correctly, there is an explicit opening to a sequel)


I think I want to meditate on it for a bit. The last couple years and the headaches of the Kickstarter (plus the OGL bit) has drained me of my excitement for Omeria. It's like hearing a song on the radio that reminds you of a bad breakup. I just need a little time I think.


In my small way I know the feeling, in the context of creative work. Time will tell what is true: if love will burn again or whether it will simply be something that is passed. In the meantime I can't wait to see what your new adventure will bring 😍


After the Campaign Setting Guide, as a DM, I want Monsters, especially since we have eliminated so many, it will be cool to see what fills those vacuums. Then the city book, and then a Guide on how to run the setting and the types of things to consider for Helkara. I like adventures but I generally don't use them whole cloth, so it's down the list for me, along with gods, spells, almanac, a goblin ecology book. I'm kind of surprised to see an Adventurer's Handbook as the leader but I tend to not be particularly in sync with the polls, lol. I would expect a campaign setting book to have the initial classes etc. for the system rather than needing another book in the beginning.


Yeah, likely I will go ahead and do a monster book anyways since it just makes sense.


Also, the campaign setting book will come out first, likely as soon as March, then followed by whichever one wins this poll (looking like DMG).


I like the idea of a Quest book. The benefits would include the option to add monsters while building more lore for this world. My vote is for the Quest book, but I hope it is filled with new monsters.


The Quest Book seems ideal for getting everything needed for a Hex Crawl!