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Hey all!

I hope you're having a lovely Monday evening. I was working alongside Rick and some of my other pals in this biz and started thinking to myself: would it make more sense to do a monster book first or the setting book?

On one hand, it's cool to have a full setting book out.

On the other hand, monsters are fairly campaign independent. And they can help me illustrate the world a bit better.

So, I'll put that question to all of you.

What should come first?



Yeah as long as we have some monsters which we have already, I would rather have a campaign setting book first.


NGL, kinda surprised people were into the campaign setting enough that they wanted to see it versus just a monster book. That kinda makes me feel good about it


I think the Ask Me Anything has really helped with that. I know reading those responses has definitely made me even more excited about this setting!


I think most campaign books usually throw in a few monsters anyway so having a few key monsters in there gives us the best of both worlds. So far, everything I’ve read makes me imagine a Conan world feel. I never played the RPG so I’m talking Conan cinema. Cool stuff!

Dan Gragert

Well in theory right, 5e is pseudo compatible? Or was that one of the other OGLpocalypse systems? (actual question, not being sarcastic; the last month is a blur...) So if its not insane to brew some monsters i think the setting and lore has value even if we're using another system. The setting could be great either way. I'm happy with whatever, though. :)

Nicolas Desjardins

As much as I adore the monsters you create, I think a campaign setting book would make more sense to present the setting as a whole; of course nothings stops you from including a couple of statblocks and allude to more monsters in the flavor text😉


I voted monsters because that's the part I'll use in my games.


Lovin' the greatness! Thanks Dave & team