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Hey all,

Starting January 1st, the writers and I will participate in the Dungeon '23 challenge. If you haven't heard of it, check out this article: https://seanmccoy.substack.com/p/dungeon23 

Basically, I'll post a new Dungeon room each day created by myself or one of the writers. That means we'll have 365 rooms made by the end of the year.

Each month will be one level of a dungeon, likely designed by our friend, Tim Hartin. The first level of the dungeon will take characters from levels 1 to 3. Each level after that will provide enough experience to gain a single level, assuming it takes three full sessions of play to clear the level. So the final December 2023 level will take characters from levels 13 to 14.

Because big dungeons have many different ecosystems, we'll make each 7-room chunk of the dungeon have a different theme.

Below, I've picked some pretty standard 1st-level mini-ecosystems for our first four 7-room chunks. Pick the one that you like best. The top 4 win the poll.

Voting ends in 48 hours.



While I have tons of bandits and undead minis ready for my players. Digging out insects to paint would be fun and fresh for all of us.

Frank Moore

Dude, after the last 34 months? Traps and hazards!!

Chris Spradlin

Am gonna try my hand at this too.


I want to try this but on paper as in the article, but I’ve yet to find a book/journal that I like. Ideally I’d like lines to write on the left, squares ok the right.


I picked mephits because they seem most in line with imps and pixies, lots of space for hijinks.


I like the idea that adventures have to make it past traps before the denizens of the dungeon care to notice them. Traps weed out the weak so enemies don't have to waste time with weak adventurers


Yeah, that's kinda in-line with the 5-room dungeon concept, too