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Hey all!

October is officially the last month of BroadSword Monthly. All folks this month at the Electrum tier and higher will get PDFs of the Best of DMDave Adventure Compendium, with Gold and Platinum getting physical copies.

To replace BroadSword, I'll be offering exclusive content for you all. I mentioned doing videos, but I thought I might poll you all and see which you'd prefer.

Would you like to see videos detailing how to write adventures, create original 5e content, etc.?

Or would you prefer additional adventures, new monsters, and other written content accessible only by folks at the Electrum level and higher?

Or maybe a mix of both?

Vote below.


Grumpy Teacher

I wanted to know how the progress is on the "best of" compendium is going. Was I supposed to get it already or is it still getting put together?


I can only speak for myself. I’m sure there are members looking for all kinds of different products and help and I fully understand that DMDave has to do whatever brings him the most success. But, as for me, I’m really only here for the adventures and maps. I personally don’t need tactics advice or setting accessories. I’m good at tactics and homebrewing. Adventures and maps. That’s what earns my money.


I'm in here for game content. I am all for more monsters, maps, etc.


I was a bit paranoid for a moment and had to check my pledge level. While I do enjoy the content, I am most likely to use physical product over the digital. Thankfully I am Gold level, so I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I won't lose my physical content.


Your adventures are top notch and the 4 level spread (e.g. 3, 5, 8, 11) is unique and a huge help in letting us use your content when our campaigns are ready for it. Thats what I am here for. Videos on how to create my own stuff would be nice but now that I am a father... I dont have the time to create my own maps and combat.


That's Electrum+, so it includes BroadSword for everyone. We effectively cancelled BroadSword for the unseeable future.

Michael Giannetto

I’m here to make those oh shit moments when my players go off the rails just a bit easier. Foundry ready adventures I can drop in at a moments notice.