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We're going to be making a slight shift in content direction, tying our Dungeons & Lairs directly content into Omeria, especially now that we have a clear art direction and the books are just about done.

We're going to kick things off with Yazur Island. If you aren't familiar with Yazur Island, it's an entire island under the effects of antimagic. The antimagic comes from the cyclopes that live there, whose bones exude the antimagic aura. As such, many of Omeria's nations use the island as a prison for dangerous spellcasters. 

Because magic is absent on the island, dangerous monsters are much more prolific here than in other parts of Omeria. 

Below, I've listed ten different options for Dungeons & Lairs content on Yazur Island. Pick the four that you like best. The top four get lairs on the island.


Frank Moore

Booo! Skip the dragons and go with non-standard stuff like werevultures and black puddings!!


If I were a dragon, I wouldn't live on such an island as I couldn't use my magic. The same would apply to other beasts with natural magic that would be able to get off the island.


How are tribal warriors winning this


Not necessarily, Fang Dragons and Black dragons use magic the least, and Fang dragons excell at combat while hiding from all other chromatic due to Tiamat’s standing orders to wipe them all out.


And a black might just enjoy feeding of the misery and despair of magic casters who are essentially useless, hell, I’d make a black the warden and pay him tribute plus all the non stolen gear from the criminals


It would be interesting to see if there was a type of non-magical Flumphs somehow feeding off of the anti magic fields. Or even a type of above ground Pygmy Myconid


A fang dragon would do pretty well on this island, especially if it meant keeping other dragons at bay, I imagine he/she would have a vested interest in protecting whatever keeps those storms raging to keep up the anti magic.

Michael Giannetto

I love the idea of a wizard prison there. They get banished to the island for magic related crimes and have nothing better to do than to get jacked and learn martial skills. Prison break, escape the island, now you have a full caster with 20 strength and hand to hand combat prowess and a vendetta