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Hey all!

Above is the first official image of Yazur Island. If you aren't familiar with Yazur Island, it is a small island off Omeria's east coast. The presence of ancient cyclopes that live here renders magic inert, similar to the antimagic spell. As such, the nations of Omeria use it as a prison for the world's most dangerous magic users.

The island is home to all manner of wildlife and monsters. 

But what else is here?

In the comments below, leave a suggestion for a person, place, or thing that you can find on Yazur Island. 

 If it fits with the tone of the setting, I'll work it into the campaign setting guide, which you can expect in a week or two.

A few rules:

1) Keep it brief. No more than 100 words or so.
2) No mechanical stuff.
3) OCs are okay but remember... it has to fit with the mage prison island theme.
4) Keep it clean.

Also, additional weight will be given to suggestions based on your Patron tier, especially when it comes to OCs. 

I look forward to your suggestions.




Big ol monolith


Emporium of the Faux Mage - The shop/hideaway/trading post of one of the powerless wizardly inhabitants who, not unlike The Professor on Gilligan's Island, is constantly coming up with ways to create seemingly magical effects through mundane means. His "light spell", for instance, is a small glass orb filled with lightning bugs that he's trained to respond to command words to produce light or to "turn off".


A sea creature or Kraken-ish type that guards the shores at the behest of the cyclops or whoever "sentences" magic users to the island. Possibly sentient?


I dig it. I’ve been trying to think up something that prevents folks from going back. A kraken creature is perfect


A wrongly accused mage discovers a new from of magic that will only work on the island or people start to develop wild psionic powers


The prison or a few cells of it are the insides of a petrified cyclops. The prisoners are cemented inside by earth elementals that can reshape the stone doors. Smugglers try to send animals ladden with lead to the mages in exchange for their arcane secrets written on parchment. The mages in turn use the lead to create small pockets/sealed rooms that exclude the anti-magic. Some even resort to their own mining operations where the ground permits.


There is a cyclopes skeleton crucified at the edge of the island, a cyclopes executed by the Dinzers for attempting to aid a prisoners escape.

Michael Giannetto

A black market for spell components...just in case.

Allen Soles

A coven of hags, exiled to the island, who have become a martial sisterhood specializing in the use of glaives, katana and blackjacks!


Instead of mages being locked in cells, they are allowed to roam about the island. Due to their high intelligence, most have managed to create small, mostly self-sustaining societies with farms and servants who see to their needs (ogre guards, gremlin butlers, etc.). The mages compete in card tournaments, perhaps, or sometimes congregate for lecture/discussions on various topics, including how to destroy the anti-magic powers of the island,


Thanks. I was trying to say the island itself is the prison, e.g., Papillon.


Oh yeah, I'm basing it on the old Ray Liotta movie, No Escape. :D