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Update: 9/27/22 - Last couple games still have some slots available. Grab 'em soon! If the spots aren't filled, we will allow roll-offs int eh channel the day before.


Hey folks!

Starting this month, we'll be running a west-marches-style campaign in the Dungeon of the Week setting. I'll act as the campaign manager but won't be running games right now. That's because we have two part-time DMs coming on board to run the game: Charlie and Moe!

How does it work?

If you've never played in a West Marches campaign before, here is how it works. Basically, a few different DMs tag team running adventures in the same campaign world. What their players do in the game actually affects the environment. So, in a lot of ways, it's a "living campaign." 

For example, if one group kills a dragon and steals all the loot from the dragon's hoard, the next group might find the dragon's corpse and all the missing loot. Or worse—a zombified dragon!

Who can sign up?

Right now, we're testing this out with just our Platinum, Gold, and Legendary players. 

  • Platinum players may join four games per month. 
  • Gold players may join two games per month.
  • Legendary players (patrons who've been at the Copper level or higher for a year or longer) who aren't gold or platinum may join one game per month.

We will see how popular this is and work out any potential kinks before we open it up to a larger audience and allow for game purchases.

When are the games?

Right now, we have two games scheduled. I'll add more to this as we go and post updates so you all can see it.


September 2022 Schedule

Charlie UK - Boxrock Hole Campaign

Game 2 [Booked]

  • Game Time: Saturday, September 17, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CST (17:00 to 19:00 GMT) 
  • Players: 3-6 players (1 slot left)
  • Tone: casual (it's a DMDave adventure, so they tend to run dangerous!)
  • Hook: Your characters enter Boxrock Hole, home to the legendary Beast of Boxrock Hole.
  • Starting Level: 3 or most current level
  • Requirements: Platinum, Gold, or Legendary patron and must have Discord access.
  • Platform: FoundryVTT with Discord Voice
  • Players: Slim (2/5), August (1/4), Isaac (2/4), AlphabetAerobics (2/2), Ironbear (1/2), Gavin Felt (1/1)


Game 3

  • Game Time: Friday, September 23, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CST (17:00 to 19:00 GMT)
  • Players: 3-6 players
  • Tone: casual (it's a DMDave adventure, so they tend to run dangerous!)
  • Hook: Your characters enter Boxrock Hole, home to the legendary Beast of Boxrock Hole.
  • Starting Level: 3 or most current level
  • Requirements: Platinum, Gold, or Legendary patron and must have Discord access.
  • Platform: FoundryVTT with Discord Voice
  • Players: August (2/4), Isaac (2/4), No One at All (3/4), Slim (4/5)


Game 4

  • Game Time: Friday, September 30, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CST (17:00 to 19:00 GMT)
  • Players: 3-6 players
  • Tone: casual (it's a DMDave adventure, so they tend to run dangerous!)
  • Hook: Your characters enter Boxrock Hole, home to the legendary Beast of Boxrock Hole.
  • Starting Level: 3 or most current level
  • Requirements: Platinum, Gold, or Legendary patron and must have Discord access.
  • Platform: FoundryVTT with Discord Voice
  • Players: August (3/4), Isaac (3/4), No One at All (4/4), Slim (4/5)


Moe Stachio - Scattered Chambers Campaign

Game 2

  • Game Time: Friday, September 16th 8:30pm to 10:30pm CST (01:30 GMT to 03:30 GMT)
  • Players: 3-6 players (1 slot left)
  • Tone: casual (it's a DMDave adventure, so they tend to run dangerous!)
  • Hook: Your characters enter the Scattered Chambers of the Leper One.
  • Starting Level: 1 or most current level
  • Requirements: Platinum, Gold, or Legendary patron and must have Discord access.
  • Platform: Roll20 with Discord Voice
  • Players:  Charlomain (2/3), Razalghull (2/3), Pickle (2/2), Kilter (2/3), Tom Bombadil (1/2)


Game 3

  • Game Time: Friday, September 23rd 8:30pm to 10:30pm CST (01:30 GMT to 03:30 GMT)
  • Players: 3-6 players (4 slots left)
  • Tone: casual (it's a DMDave adventure, so they tend to run dangerous!)
  • Hook: Your characters enter the Scattered Chambers of the Leper One.
  • Starting Level: 1 or most current level
  • Requirements: Platinum, Gold, or Legendary patron and must have Discord access.
  • Platform: Roll20 with Discord Voice
  • Players: Razalghull (3/3), Tom Bombadil (2/2), Chris Perry (1/1), Kilter (3/3)


Game 4

  • Game Time: Friday, September 30th 8:30pm to 10:30pm CST (01:30 GMT to 03:30 GMT)
  • Players: 3-6 players (6 slots left)
  • Tone: casual (it's a DMDave adventure, so they tend to run dangerous!)
  • Hook: Your characters enter the Scattered Chambers of the Leper One.
  • Starting Level: 1 or most current level
  • Requirements: Platinum, Gold, or Legendary patron and must have Discord access.
  • Platform: Roll20 with Discord Voice
  • Players: 6 slots left


You may play in either campaign but must create different characters based on the notes above (ie a 3rd-level character for Charlie's game and a 1st-level character for Moe's game). If you played in a previous Dungeon of the Week campaign, you may use your existing character.

Gamemasters have their own house rules and will share them with you once you join the games.

How do I sign up?

We will keep things simple to start. If you are a Gold, Platinum, or Legendary patron, leave a comment below with the game or games that you want to join. It is 100% first-come-first-serve, so make sure you grab the ones you want fast. Once the games have 6 people in them, sign-ups end. If folks drop out, I'll let you know and open up an additional spot.

Players and Tokens

Here is a  list of the regular players and the tokens that they have. Once everyone uses their respective tokens, we will allow "walk-ins," which means people can join in the games. Those will be first come, first serve. This will be subject to change as weekly games become more popular.


Where can I learn more information?

Join us on the Discord channel for #🗝️dungeon-of-the-week: https://discord.gg/K4uxDYT3JD 

Try to limit the questions in this thread as I want to keep it open for sign-ups.




Joining Game 3 and 4 of Charlie's. Discord name is TheAugustGuy


I'll do Charlie's game 3 and 4 , and I'll do Moe's game 3, those are my 3 picks. My discord name is charlomain


And I'll try to get into moes other games but those are my gold and legendary picks


Charlie 23rd and 30th


You already used two slots this month, Charlo, so you gotta pick which one you wanna do.


Razalghull in for Moe on 23rd and 30th, just wanting to make sure you had me, Mr. Bossman DMDave, Sir.


Interested in Charlie Game 4 on the 30th if there's space! Discord is Canalbanditt#2573


So I'll have to roll or what other method to play in Moe's I assume

Laura Trevelyan

Is there any chance you'll be opening spaces for people who have been patrons less than a year if you have room? :)


Possibly, although preference will be given to Gold, Platinum, and Legendary folks!


Heya Nick, right now games are reserved for Gold, Platinum, or Legendary patrons (the latter of which have been a patron for 1 year or more).


So I still have one token left so I’m going to go ahead and use that on Moe’s game on the 30th.


Question. Are tokens “use or lose?” Or can you carry over to the next month?


Charlie on the 7th