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Hey all!

Now that Hand of the Eight is drafted, it's time for me to start thinking about the next book I want to write outside of our normal content. My goal with this Kickstarter is to have all the content written prior to the Kickstarter's release. so all we have to do is wait for art, formatting, and printing (3-4 months tops)

But I don't know what to do yet! 

Below, I've dropped a few ideas I have kicking around. Let me know which one sounds like the most fun to you.

Thanks all!



Another thought...Most of the adventures are for 3plus players. Would loved to see some modules/adventures scalable for two players. Having two kids who would like to play with me as a DM. Its hard to find a third who can fit the dynamic and or can play at anytime. Maybe this is an experience thing, but as a DM maybe there is some tricks of the trade to make a two player game enjoyable.

Grumpy Teacher

I was going to suggest a book on pets, familiars, animal guide NPCs, and using creature parts to make/ enhance weaponry but I was too late.