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Pardon Our Mess

You might have noticed that I've put up a bunch of posts that are locked to a new tier. These are all pre-published Dungeons & Lairs for which we're locking in copyrights this calendar year. 

Right now, they're pretty sparse (in fact, they're little more than legal details for the content), so you won't get much value out of them. As they get updated, we'll post a link to them, so you don't have to fish through all the posts.

Anyways, sorry for the mess! 

If you need help finding something, feel free to reach out to us on Discord: https://discord.gg/HNmqESK 

Looking for the latest news from DMDave and the team?

This bulletin board is designed to keep you updated with everything that's going on. Plus, it contains quick links to all the different sections of Patreon for ease of search. Finally, if you need to find something fast, you can use the Master Archive.

Important Information

This section collects all the adventures that are supported on this Patreon, which includes all of the Dungeons & Lairs adventures plus any adventures that we wish to still support—sorry, some older adventures will no longer get support from us as we they need a bit more work to bring up to our current standards.

Some of the adventures also use outdated maps created by DMDave. We are in the process of updating those. Others use maps created by collaborators. We cannot offer those maps on our site outside of the Foundry Pack. Sorry for any confusion, as we only added maps as a benefit in May 2022.

Note that some of the adventures do not have links, as they have not yet been written. Just a taste of things to come!

Dungeons & Lairs

These adventures serve as "plug-in" adventures for gamemasters who need a specific lair geared towards a monster. The majority of the adventures offer scaling notes, allowing you to change the challenges to better suit your characters' average level.

Outdated Maps or Maps by Collaborators:

Modern Maps by DMDave:

* Maps by Tom Cartos
§ Maps by Venatus Maps
† Maps by Moonlight Maps
£ Maps by Limithron

Dungeons & Lairs Megamodules

Dark Domains

Similar to Dungeons & Lairs, these are drop-in adventures. However, these adventures were a little more focused on horror settings than the monster in that setting. So far, there are only two adventures released for this series. We might make more. Like D&L, DD also has adjustable levels.

DMDave Select Adventures

These adventures are those that I deem "acceptable" by our current standards. I organized them by the party's average level.










Buckler - Collected Works Archive

Each month, we collect all the preceding month's content into one easy-to-download .zip file called Buckler. Silver patrons get the last three month's worth of bucklers, gold gets the last twelve months, and platinum has unlimited access.

BroadSword - Fifth Edition Adventures (Sorta) Monthly Publication

BroadSword Monthly is a 100+-page printed book that includes many of our adventures in their finalized version. These books also include adventures exclusive to BroadSword, organized by theme. Electrum patrons get the last three months worth of issues, gold patrons get the last 12 months, and platinum patrons have unlimited access.




Tons of great content in the "back pages" of the Patreon for those willing to dig a little.




You're make us wait for the finale of Yil until the 26th?! Oh man it's gonna be worth it!


My players are going through Torvin right now and they are LOVING it. These mega modules are my favorite content. Amazing.


The 21 spine tingling terrors is the best thing ever! i love hooks and scary ones at that


Thanks! I tried to emulate 2e’s way of doing it from the late ‘ops


Would be nice to have on the links info as to which Patron level you need to have to access/download the items linked.


When i get the Electrum patreon, all future R20 assests are here to grab??


would be handy to have a single zip folder with all these in so i dont have to go through them one by one to download individually :/ they are awesome but this is going to be a long night


You can get the bucklers. They do them month-by-month. But if I did it all in one zip, folks would pay the fee, grab 'em all, and bounce. Not exactly a great business model :D


In my defence ..........that make sperfevt sense .......my crew have decided that we're going to make one GIANT campaign from all these adventures and use them to learn and grow characters ready for something like curse of strahd or waterdeep ........we play one a week so see how they go in 2 years hahaha gonna be amazing thank you so much for this content


where can i access the master archive?


The master archive is no longer used, this bulletin board post is where you will find all new releases!


Oh, okay 🥺 I really enjoyed being able to search by terrain or other qualities of the adventures


That was nice for some of the older adventures! But now with dungeons and Lairs, you kind of get that in the title of the adventure 😃


Click on "Benefits". The first post is "a message from DMDave". Its a post entitled "How to Receive Your Benefits". There is a hyperlink to the master database. Took me a sec to find too, but seems super obvious after the fact


Is the google spreadsheet no longer being updated? The last update I see there is from march 2022


What do you mean by “outdated maps”? What kind of updates will you be making? And what makes a document unacceptable by current standards? Just curious.


For the older adventures, they aren't written using our current syntax and format and they're relatively old. It's just easier to focus on the Dungeons & Lairs series.


As for the maps, that's when I using Forgotten Adventures' assets on the new stuff, so I wanted to make sure folks know that they weren't included in the map packs or used default Dungeon Draft assets. We've since stopped working alongside Forgotten Adventures.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-09 16:59:14 Hi Dave - might just be my end but the link to Dungeons & Lairs 59: Santa's Village - 11th/14th/17th/20th is taking me to the Lamia Temple. Any chance you could check that link? These are so incredibly useful and well done.
2023-01-06 00:30:36 Hi Dave - might just be my end but the link to Dungeons & Lairs 59: Santa's Village - 11th/14th/17th/20th is taking me to the Lamia Temple. Any chance you could check that link? These are so incredibly useful and well done.

Hi Dave - might just be my end but the link to Dungeons & Lairs 59: Santa's Village - 11th/14th/17th/20th is taking me to the Lamia Temple. Any chance you could check that link? These are so incredibly useful and well done.


https://www.patreon.com/posts/76693817 This has them all on it. I checked the links and they should be good to go


A small quibble. You said: These adventures are those that I deem "acceptable" by our current standards. I think your current standards are too high. Lots of your other stuff is excellent.


Well, you know how it goes. And there's still some pretty cringe stuff down deep haha But I appreciate you saying so!