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Hey all!

Thanks for voting in our last poll to help us decide our next monster lair. The four big winners in our last poll were assassins and spies, archmages and mages, nobles and knights, and cultists and cult fanatics. Like the Flying Castle Mega-module, you can expect these four adventures to be related to each other.

Just as before, this post will decide the next *four* monster lairs that will follow those listed below. Pick the one that you like best. The top four get made and the rest get cut.

This poll will end in one week to give everyone plenty of time to vote.

Dungeons and Lairs Index

Dungeons & Lairs Megamodules

  • Dungeons & Lairs Megamodule #1: Tovin's Flying Castle
  • Dungeons & Lairs Megamodule #2: Untitled NPC Megamodule

Fan Content Policy Monsters

  • Dungeons & Lairs F1: Mind Flayers 



Mephits damnit! DMs, if you've never used Mephits before they are fantastic to throw at your party to whittle down resources because even if they die they usually hurt someone in someway. Magma Mephits and Steam Mephits are my favorite for this.


Mephits are cool. I wish they were all SRD. 2e had mephits for all the para and quasi elemental planes, too. I miss 2e. :.(