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Hey all!

As we continue to produce more content, we find ourselves needing more maps. It's been a long time coming, but the DMDave Team will start offering its own maps. Now, maps aren't exactly rare on the internet. So this definitely won't be our focus, but I do plan to organize it so it supports our content. With that in mind, what type of maps should we create to start?

Below, I've listed some basic suggestions. Let me know which ones you like best.



I voted for village/town/city buildings, but would love to see the map without the building or city name on it. That way it can be dropped into my own setting without having to use the name the creator gave it or telling my players to disregard the title of the map.


I voted for building maps because I would like to see building interiors with the 5' grids printed on them that I can print on just two pages of 8.5" x 11" paper, tape them together, and drop them on the table in front of the players as needed.


Would love some regional maps of areas


Would love to see some generic plug-in towns/villages/cities with a few points of interest/shops labeled. Maybe some paragraph or two primer of fantastic features that set this particular town or village apart, a bit of kore or something.


As some of the other comments said, don't need to have the name of the town necessarily


I vote "make some weird shit" 🤣🤣🤣


By "modular", I hope you mean like Geomorphs. They are great for throwing together a dungeon sorta on the fly.


Me too... Towns, villages, cities, and buildings you can find plenty of out there and, I'll be honest, who can really compete with Tom Cartos on that front? What I don't have is extra planar maps or ones I could use in a Spelljammar campaign for them to explore other spheres or planets.


I love geos


Modular Village/Town Encounter Maps. My party travels from place to place via horse/wagon and runs into many small villages along the way where there might be an encounter just to keep things interesting. It would be nice to have a set of Village/Town maps that could be rearranged to give a new look without having to dig up a new map for EVERY new place they go or use the same "shopping district" map over and over again.

Grumpy Teacher

My students, during our last meeting, decided that they wanted to catch rats from the swarm they had to avoid. Long story short, they caught 610 rats and wanted to set up shop in town (I'm runninng the lost mines of Phandalin and put in a rat swarm in the goblin cave.) I like the village idea so I can have a staging area for their business. (I have already found rental contracts and insurance forms that I have formated in Medieval Sharp font and changed the wording from pets to familiars and local taxes to taxes for the realm.)


I've been making maps for a while now but I have a hard time with village/city maps so that would def be helpful.