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Get the Full Version (Levels 3-12)

The free version presented here is for level 3 only. If you wish to scale the adventure, get the full version as a patron or as a one-time purchase. The full version also comes with a print-friendly black/white version.

Get the Foundry Pack and Digital Assets:

The version presented here does not include the digital assets nor does it include the Foundry Pack. You may receive those as an electrum patron or as a one-time purchase via our website.

Get the Roll20 Version:

Adventure Details

Shadow Hotel is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3, 5, 8, or 11. This document offers a general guideline on how to scale the adventure for each level. The Breakwater Tavern was once a promising roadside inn for weary travelers—that is until the proprietor decided to ax-murder all of her guests. Now, boarded up and abandoned, there’s nothing in that place but darkness. The characters must enter the tavern and cleanse it of its corruption.

Creative Team


Writer: John K Webb

Cartography: Tom Cartos (https://www.patreon.com/tomcartos)


  • Dean Spencer
  • Fat Goblin Games
  • Matias Lazaro
  • Shutterstock




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