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The Vinemaster’s Realm is a Fifth Edition adventure for a party of three to five 5th- to 7th-level characters, optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 6. The adventure is setting agnostic and can be placed in any world with a dark forest populated by fey.

Characters who finish this adventure should earn half the experience needed to reach 6th or 7th level, or one-third of the experience needed to reach 8th level.


The Vinemaster is a powerful fey who spends his time growing dangerous magical plants and crafting poisons in a secluded dungeon deep in the forest. He trades these plants and poisons with those who know the way to his lair, prioritizing supplies and new exotic plants over coins and gems as he rarely leaves his chambers. As his skills have increased over the years, so too have the calls to do something about him from the organizations and families impacted by the steady rise in poisoning assassinations. The Vinemaster’s prized possession is a prismatic lily. Exceptionally rare and difficult to grow, the prismatic lily is renowned for its healing properties. It is the one plant that the Vinemaster will never trade.


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Get This Adventure in Print

Interesting in holding a physical copy of this adventure? You can get the full adventure in BroadSword Monthly #19. Not only does this full adventure appear, but 12 other fun adventures plus player options, new monsters, and more.

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