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Oathbreaker’s Tower is a Fifth Edition adventure intended for three to five characters of 12th to 14th level and is optimized for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 13. A fallen paladin betrayed her oaths to gain immortality and led an army of fiends against the world. The Oathbreaker was eventually defeated and imprisoned under a cursed tower. Centuries have passed and while the memory of the Oathbreaker was forgotten, the tower’s corruption is beginning to spread and threatens civilization once more. This adventure takes place in the Freelands campaign setting but easily fits into any existing campaign with only a few modifications.


It’s been a thousand years since the fallen paladin Leondra Nightbreaker—now called Oathbreaker—led a devil army to ravage Shadowmist Vale. Forsaking her vows and betraying Sylvanis, the goddess of life, the Oathbreaker sold her soul to an archfiend in exchange for immortality. She slaughtered hundreds in the name of her new patron and turned the once shining tower dedicated to her former goddess into a corrupted monument full of horrors.

A band of heroes cleaved through the fiends and defeated the Oathbreaker, binding her in the catacombs beneath her fortress. They were unwilling to allow her to reform in the lower planes and sealed her behind holy wards to spend eternity imprisoned. The heroes founded the Legion of the Golden Rays and dedicated themselves to watching over the Oathbreaker until they could find a way to cleanse her evil once and for all.

The legion failed in its mission, falling victim to the tower’s evil, and the corruption began to spread once more. Over the centuries, the tower became home to various creatures inexplicably drawn to its evil presence but never learning of the prison hidden beneath. The most recent occupants—a nest of vampires and other undead—prey upon travelers and anyone foolish enough to attempt to enter their cursed home.


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The maps, handouts, and PDF for this adventure are all included in one easy-to-download zip file. We have multiple ways for you to get this, detailed below.

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Get This Adventure in Print

Interesting in holding a physical copy of this adventure? You can get the full adventure in BroadSword Monthly #19. Not only does this full adventure appear, but 12 other fun adventures plus player options, new monsters, and more.

Purchase BroadSword Monthly


Check out TJ & The DM Tool Chest!

The PDF included here is was provided by TJ & The DM Tool Chest team. For similar content, check them out here on Patreon! Along with this adventure, gain access to a library of adventures, vtt ready maps, monsters, and player options!





When will this be available on Roll20?


Hi Brian, The folks at The DM Tool Chest will be converting their own works to Roll20, however this particular adventure hasn't been converted as of yet. If you're interested in announcements regarding this adventure we recommend following The DM Tool Chest on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thedmtoolchest/ -The DMDave Team