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This is an addition/update to the DMDave Bulletin Board.

The following adventures are available on Patreon and are created as samples for writers in the DMDave network. These are always free (unless otherwise specified); they will not be locked after 30 days.


Adventures Await Studios

Below you will find adventures contributed by Benjamin Palmer of Adventures Await Studios. Posts are arranged by release date from newest to oldest.


Shrine of the Serpent Queen (7th-Level)

An artifact of terrible power has been located deep in the heart of the jungle and must be recovered. This campaign takes place in Arden, although it can be set in your own world. Any party composition should be able to finish the adventure with intelligent play.

Author: Benjamin Palmer

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


House of Whispers (3rd-Level)

Inhuman wailing comes from a large house just outside town and the local constabulary has put out a call for help to figure out what is going on.

Author: Benjamin Palmer

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


Swamp Thing (9th-Level)

Swamp Thing is intended for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 9. Characters who complete this adventure should earn enough experience to reach halfway to 10th-level. Goblins have been kidnapping passersby and sacrificing them to a hydra in the swamps. This campaign takes place in Arden, although it can be set in your own world.

Author: Benjamin Palmer

Playtime: 3-5 Hours


Adventures, EH?

Below you will find adventures contributed by Adventures, EH? Posts are arranged by release date from newest to oldest.


Oceanbound (11th-Level)

The adventure begins when the party is accidentally transported to the Elemental Plane of Water. They must survive the depths, make a deal with the Sea Witch Ulsaira, and steal a powerful magical item for a submerged glacier full of elementals before they will be able to return home.

Author: Ellie Hogan

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


Meet the Maker (5th, 8th, or 11th-Level)

The large city of Akaton is home to two prestigious megaguilds of artisans. The Ralora Gallery has existed since the founding of the city many hundreds of years ago. They believe in the sanctity of art and feature their timeless masterpieces in a prestigious gallery. The Modern Artisans Association, in contrast, was only founded sixty years ago and caters to a less elite crowd. They become more and more popular each year as people of all means attend their Celebration of Makers, a yearly festival featuring the works of their artisans in interactive and exciting ways. There is a strong rivalry between the two guilds. Over the years, many of the member guilds of the Modern Artisans Association have been attacked and destroyed (possibly including the artisan characters’ own), but although the Ralora Gallery was suspected in each case, it was never proven guilty.

Author: Ellie Hogan

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


The Vinemaster's Realm (6th-Level)

The Vinemaster is a powerful fey who spends his time growing dangerous magical plants and crafting poisons in a secluded dungeon deep in the forest. He trades these plants and poisons with those who know the way to his lair, prioritizing supplies and new exotic plants over coins and gems as he rarely leaves his chambers. As his skills have increased over the years, so too have the calls to do something about him from the organizations and families impacted by the steady rise in poisoning assassinations. The Vinemaster’s prized possession is a prismatic lily. Exceptionally rare and difficult to grow, the prismatic lily is renowned for its healing properties. It is the one plant that the Vinemaster will never trade.

Author: Ellie Hogan

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


The Mists of Dumar (4th-Level)

The leader of Dumar, Lord Quadraf, is getting married in a week's time, and is hosting a five-day-long festival as a lead-up to the ceremony. he has decided that now is the perfect time to get rid of some of the more problematic swamp denizens: a pair of ogres and a fey enclave. He has a plan for the fey but needs the ogres out of the way first. Once both groups are gone, he'll be able to start draining and logging the swamp.

Author: Ellie Hogan

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


Erich the Fuzzy

Below you will find adventures contributed by Erich the Fuzzy. Posts are arranged by release date from newest to oldest.


Sailor Take Warning (5th, 8th, or 11th-Level)

A maritime-themed adventure for 4 characters of 5th, 8th, or 11th level, suitable for any coastal setting, ideal for a party with one or more characters with sailor in their background.

Author: Erich the Fuzzy

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


Blizzard at König's Keep (3rd-Level)

Unseen dwarves have been sneaking around the town of König's Keep filching random items, with the most recent footprints leading to the ruined fortress the town is named after. Two local teens have also gone missing in the blizzard, and it’s rumored they sometimes hang out at those same ruins. Can the characters find the sneaks and learn what they are up to, and locate the missing teens? Does anything else lurk at, or under, the ruins of König's Keep?

Author: Erich the Fuzzy

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


Lost & Found Fane of the Frog (3rd-Level)

The characters explore a swamp filled with frogfolk in an attempt to locate a missing explorer, but not everything is as it seems.

Author: Erich the Fuzzy

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


Granite Peaks Scribe

Below you will find adventures contributed by Granite Peaks Scribe. Posts are arranged by release date from newest to oldest.


Into the Snake Pit (5th, 8th, or 11th-Level)

The characters must infiltrate a casino known coloquially as the ‘Snake Pit.’ Though most people in the town have heard of it, few know where it is actually located. Its closely guarded entrances are in nondescript businesses in a quiet part of town that no one would suspect hides the sprawling gambling den. The casino itself is underground, constructed below the city streets and adjacent to the sewers running under the town. Far below the public levels of the casino lies the vault and its hidden treasures. If the characters want to pull this off, then they will need to plan for success.

Author: Granite Peaks Scribe

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


Village of 'Shrooms (3rd-Level)

The characters investigate an isolated village inhabited only by children. There, they discover a carnivorous alien fungus that is controlling most of the children in an attempt to spread itself far and wide and infest the whole kingdom. They must find a way to save the children and destroy the fungus before it escapes beyond the limits of the town.

Author: Granite Peaks Scribe

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


The Obsidian Tower (3rd-Level)

The characters explore a mysterious tower that emerges from a swamp and threatens a nearby village, before being forced to navigate its treacherous interior to escape.

Author: Granit Peaks Scribe

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


Here Be Adventures

Below you will find adventures contributed by Matthew Rowland of Here Be Adventures. Posts are arranged by release date from newest to oldest.


Blood Bog Run (3rd-Level)

This adventure takes place in a bog corrupted by the presence of a recently arrived vampire; characters must fight off waves of blood-sucking creatures and a druid-turned-cult-fanatic as they make their way through the bog by flatboat.

Author: Matthew Rowland

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


The DM Tool Chest

Below you will find adventures contributed by members of The DM Tool Chest. Posts are arranged alphabetically by author and then by release date from newest to oldest.


Prisoner of the Last Vampire (5th-Level)

After hundreds of years, a powerful illusion has finally faded, revealing a withered stone tower in the midst of a fetid swamp. The tower is the last vestige of an ancient feud between a family of vampires and the faction that hunted them known as the Bright Wardens... What secrets await within the tower, and is the vampire inside at risk of escaping now that the magic shrouding the structure has faded?

Author: Alex/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


Temple of the Druid Lich (9th-Level)

After millennia of abandonment, the ancient temple of a legendary necromancer has been reclaimed by a terrifying force and old enemy that is quickly expanding her territory: Caolfhionn, the Druid Lich. Gnarled, poisonous thorns have begun to spread from the temple, and shambling undead plant creatures roam the nearby sands in increasing numbers. If adventurers do not intervene, Caolfhionn the Druid Lich will soon make the desert her own.

Author: Alex Tavern Tales/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 3-4 Hours


Gol'Og's Throne & The Heir of Shadow (5th-Level)

The orc warlock Gol'Og and his Shadowclaw clan followers threaten to overlap the Plane of Shadow with the Material Plane. It will be up to a brave group of adventurers to travel through the shadow gate and defeat Gol'Og and his forces within his Plane of Shadow fortress.

Author: Alex Tavern Tales/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


Oathbreaker's Tower (13th-Level)

A fallen paladin betrayed her oaths to gain immortality and led an army of fiends against the world. The Oathbreaker was eventually defeated and imprisoned under a cursed tower. Centuries have passed and while the memory of the Oathbreaker was forgotten, the tower’s corruption is beginning to spread and threatens civilization once more.

Author: TJ Phoenix/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


Wrath of the Banshee Queen (10th-Level)

A banshee queen holds a court of trapped spirits prisoner within her cursed castle.

Author: TJ Phoenix/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


Shrine of the Dark Efreeti (9th-Level)

Characters who complete this adventure should earn enough experience to reach one-quarter of the way to level 10. An ancient pyramid tied to the elemental plane of fire holds a powerful archmage prisoner.

Author: TJ Phoenix/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


Whispers of the Dark Fey (4th-Level)

The murder of a sylvan creature has stirred up the town of Hopewell Harbor, and a mysterious clan of dark fey is in danger of being exposed. This adventure takes place in the Freelands Campaign Setting but fits into any existing campaign that has a port city with only a few modifications.

Author: TJ Phoenix/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


The Rising Tempest (8th-Level)

A lava dragon and her brood have made a volcano on a jungle island their new home. The volcano is now building towards a major eruption, and it threatens the island inhabitants with extinction. This adventure is set in the Freelands campaign setting but can be adapted to fit any campaign that has a jungle island with an active volcano.

Author: TJ Phoenix/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 5-6 hours


Attack of the Mind Crawlers Part 1 of 2 (9th-Level)

A mysterious island has trapped our brave adventurers, and they are searching for a way to escape. They stumble across a secret gnome facility that mind-controlling aliens are attacking.

Author: TJ Phoenix/The DM Tool Chest

Playtime: 2-3 Hours


Tim Andrews

Below you will find adventures contributed by Tim Andrews. Posts are arranged by release date from newest to oldest.


Rhythm of Revenge (5th, 8th, or 11th-Level)

This adventure sees the party traveling into the past of one of its members, all in an attempt at keeping the timeline from changing.

Author: Tim Andrews

Playtime: 3-5 Hours


The Thought Palace (7th-Level)

This adventure sees the party entering a realm entirely within the mind of a powerful creature; all to retrieve a powerful magical item. Although this adventure is set in the world of Adrenon, you are free to fit it into any setting you like.

Author: Tim Andrews

Playtime: 3-5 Hours


The Shrine of the Malus Tree (2nd-Level)

This adventure sees the party searching a swamp to rescue an NPC, only to discover that this NPC is working for the villain and that the villain is not all they appear to be. Although this adventure is part of the larger Satisfaction of the Shade adventure series, you are free to adventure that sees the characters journey into a swamp in search of something.

Author: Tim Andrews

Playtime: 3-5 Hours


Torchlight Press

Below you will find adventures contributed by Torchlight Press. Posts are arranged by release date from newest to oldest.


Curse of the Sunken Castle  (6th-Level)

The characters are asked by a local mage to track down a group of explorers that have gone missing on a recent expedition. This adventure begins on a remote island that makes escaping from it impossible; however, this adventure can easily be transplanted to any coastal region.

Author: Torchlight Press

Playtime: 4-5 hours


Zaratan Press

Below you will find adventures contributed by Zaratan. Posts are arranged by release date from newest to oldest.


Rumble in the Food Pyramid (4th-Level)

The party must accompany an apprentice adventurer into a battle chef cook-off hosted by an eccentric mummy wizard. This adventure takes place a few hours away from the town of Woodpine but can easily be placed in any high magic setting.

Author: John Kelly

Playtime: 2-4 Hours


Dead God Salvage (1st-Level)

The party must explore the corpse of an ancient black dragon and foil its minions’ efforts to resurrect it. This adventure takes place a few hours away from the town of Blackwater but can easily be placed in any campaign setting with a swamp.

Author: John Kelly

Playtime: 2-4 Hours




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