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Here is a quick recap of what happened in the last episode of DMDave's Neverending Mad Mage, titled "Spiders."

The party: Jock McQuacken, Darien Ofensen, Kal'el, Walford "Softy" Lucifer, Kilus, and Sock McQuacker

  • The party discovered that Aaron's disciple, Zarrut, was missing, likely captured by a chuul from upriver.
  • To combat the aboleth menace up the river, the party set about searching for spider legs to help the kuo-toa in the Twisted Caverns create their new god, Klaabu.
  • After speaking with the awakened tree Halastree, the party headed to the spider grotto to ask its denizens for spider legs and fur.
  • The party found the bugbear, Stuk, by himself in one of the guardhouses. He seemed sick.
  • When the spiders didn't speak/understand the party, Jock—potentially still reeling from the death of his brother, Dazen—opened fire on the spiders.
  • Within moments, the grotto's spiders descended on the party. Jock, along with Darien and Kal'el, was pulled into the grotto and eaten alive by the spiders and ettercaps living among the trees. Sock, Softy, and Kilus fled.
  • While the surviving party mourned the loss of their companions, the green dragon, Valdemar, took it upon himself to fly to the grotto, destroy the spiders, and recover the bodies.

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The Neverending Mad Mage game is available for all patrons of the Legendary level on Discord. To achieve legendary status, you must meet one of the following requirements:

  • You hold a Platinum membership.
  • You've been a patron for 1 year or longer at the copper tier or higher.
  • You DM games for other patrons on the Discord.
  • You are an administrator on the Discord.
  • You assist DMDave's staff with activities such as VTT creation, typo/edits, etc.

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