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Hey all!

Thanks so much for answering the last poll (and giving me a day off). Here's a follow-up poll using the feedback given. I've added in a day off for myself (thanks for that) and removed player option Tuesday since no one seemed as interested in player options. I doubled down on the requests, so I'll be able to create stuff there. Since BroadSword and the collabs will have a lot of adventures, I might switch out Sunday so it's another NED day (I really like the NEDs right now) or a campaign setting I want to fiddle with.

Anything you'd change?

Monster Monday. New monsters on Monday. There will be at least one, but potentially more if I can manage it.

Request Tuesday. In addition to Friday's, I'll do requests here. Between Tuesday and Friday, these are the only days that I'll make player option stuff (or if I get a wild hair).

One-Shot Wednesday. Easy to run adventures, trap rooms, encounter scenarios, etc. If I'm feeling plucky, I might include a NED room, too.

Neverending Dungeon Thursday. The Neverending Dungeon (NED) that I'm building out will continue at a minimum once each Thursday. It's likely that some of the NED scenarios will have elements outside of just traps and dungeons that you can use, too.

Request Friday. Friday's I'll try busting through a bunch of the requests that I have.

Dave's Day Off/Free Day. It's likely I'll be putzing around with content, but mostly I'll try to take this day off. I'll also work on anything that I kinda want to work on this day.

Adventure Sunday. Finally, the adventures that I work on in the background will surface on Sundays.

Let me know what you think in the poll and down in the comments.



You’re the man! I’m eagerly awaiting your post apocalypse material!


There's a big announcement coming up for that, too. It's very exciting.


Awesome!!! 🚀