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Good morning everyone! It's that time again. Put in your actions below. Before you do, please make sure to read over the following:

  • Make sure that all of your actions are labeled with your name, might, and the location that you are taking the action. This helps me out immensely when sorting through it all. Same goes for your Bonus Actions and Chosen One actions.
  • Please seperate out all of your actions and don't put them into one big comment. If you use your M1 action and your CO actions to assist, put it as a reply to your own action.
  • If you don't use an action to participate, then it's not counted as participation. I love all of you and the enthusiasm, but simply writing "no action" on a reply doesn't count. You're either there or you're not. :)
  • If it isn't in a CTA or Daily Report, chances are I'm going to miss it. That includes the Wiki. So if there's something you want put in--or if you want to reference something from another source--please put it in the action so I can include it. Otherwise, it'll likely get missed.
  • I start sorting through everything around 5pm the day of. That doesn't mean I'll skip late actions, but there is a pretty good chance that if it comes in at the last minute, it might accidentally get missed. There isn't really "initiative" with this ruleset, so you don't have to worry about sneaking in actions at the last minute.
  • You're free to write your own roleplays and it certainly helps. But please be sure to a) check for grammar and spelling (I recommend Grammarly) and b) write it all third person past tense. Those that have been writing their own, it's a huge help! Chance are I'll start awarding CTs for this.

As usual, actions are available to take until 9pm CST tonight. 

Good luck everyone and have fun!

New God: Welcome Dranech, N, God of Order and Knowledge (Rank 9, Might 5). Dranech appears as untold thousands of tiny lightspecks that form different shapes depending on his mood. 

Quest Prompts for 9K5:

Alligator Loch

  • Tomorrow's Dead marched south towards Woestone. Bards sang their praise as they left.


  • A group of artists bearing the markings of Aubeley were seen smuggling someone "of great importance" through the northern pass of the Drakecrags heading to Loin's End. Merchants passing them on the road claim the artists used the phrases "reborn" and "the great light."
  • Adventurers calling themselves "The Wicked Few" climbed to the top of Yumia's Peak requesting an audience with the Arctic Goddess. They camped just below the summit.
  • Goblin exiles from Gorkil moved into the Ruins of Creestone with the hope of establishing a new colony. Rumor has it that they discovered something of great signifigance in one of the abandoned shops.

Wicked Maple Grove

  • The Tower of Gothmog of Udun once again lit up. At the same time, the Tower of Liniorath in Alligator Loch also lit up, almost as if the two were signaling each other.
  • Voidbrand have been seen as far east as the Ghostwood Creek, making the people of Orlyggthorp nervous.
  • The Merchant Kings have worked alongside the Sphinx Dedoman implementing the Council of the Three in town. They continue to operate the trade routes, however, although it's clear that the financial hit they've taken from Charlamagne's machinations have thoroughly hurt their business.



Malic- might 7 action destroy wandrossa The dawn of your ending wandrossa ... has arrived....and I as it's architect... I have purged countless Epochs.... and Gods whom dwelled within them...and wandrossa shall be no different...I I bestride this world as the great unmaker. You will be swept away and only when creation is render pure again...then will I rest...but that is none of your concern...your apocalypse...is...here


Saern-...? oppose the destruction of wandrossa, transcribe the world in ink and blood


Indronyx mseven assist...from the ashes of this world..we will start anew