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Since we've been focusing on the Blackleaf Forest region of Enombath's Ninth Kingdom, we've learned a lot of interesting things.

For one, there's a lot of traditionally "evil" races that call this place their home. Goblins, bugbears, hobgoblins, medusas, vampir, weretigers, and even zombie-like creatures called cordies greatly outnumber the other humanoid races.

Also, we know that the leaves on the trees of the forest are totally black. But why?

I turned to Instagram for some ideas and sorted through the 10 best ideas. Then, I added them to this poll below. You get one vote and it ends tomorrow evening around this time.

I'm interested to see what you all come up with!


John Thomas

I voted Parallel Dimension, and I'd like to advocate for you to do the same. IF Blackleaf Forest swapped as suggested, then at some point a gateway could link players to the "Good" forest where they would have a World of Evil to take on. THEY would be hunted, outlawed, all the challenges of being the bad guys, without having to play evil characters. Hero/Villains, if you will. I've used this idea before, and it's a nice change of pace in a heroic campaign to let the players sow thier oats occasionally.


I feel like Dead god is too epic for a forest, it would make sense for a mountain or even a whole continent to be above a dead god, but a forest seems a bit underwhelming. A world scar would be cool, I imagine a dwarven bartender speaking with a thick accent late into the night with a group of adventurers telling them of the very cut in reality only a days ride from town. "It may only be legend," He says sitting behind his self poured ale. "But dark things come from those woods."