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Recently, one of my players in my Saturday game introduced me to a cool set of rules for a game known as well.. The Game. Basically, this game was used to create the history of a roleplaying setting. You can learn more about The Game here.

I'm considering adapting something similar here to develop the history of Wandrossa. I think the best way to do it might be through a points system. Here's how it would work (rough idea coming out):

  • As a patron, you get a set number of points each day. The number of points you get is tied to your tier. For example, copper patrons will get 3 points per day, whereas gold patrons will get 25 points per day.
  • Each day, you respond to a comment thread saying how you want to spend your points: buying wars, assassinating politicians, creating catastrophes, etc. These each represent things that happen during the year. Certain actions will only be possible at higher tiers. 
  • Once everyone gets in their actions, I write out what happens and it's added to the week's gazetteer and Wandrossa's timeline. 
  • In game time, a day counts as one year of history for the world, so the gazetteer's history will cover 5 years (we'll take off weekends). An entire real world year will cover 250 years of history of Wandrossa.

TL;DR we'll use this game to build the history of Wandrossa.

My question to you all is this: is this something you'd like to participate in? If so, I'll work on creating more formalized rules and make it available for download in PDF form ASAP.

And if it's not, let me know why down in the comments.




I love this idea, but maybe make the time conversion so that we can do more history then that in a year, maybe have two poles go up at once one for one year and one for the next.


Yeah, I'm hammering out the rules now. What I'll probably do is have you guys be "gods" who can influence the world and then there's the normal stuff that happens to people in the world


Do you plan to possibly have a party of players take on adventures that could be affected by or affect the world as well? That would be cool if say you had your usual group or a group of Patrons over Roll20 doing an adventure and see some of the historical changes. Also what year in the world's history are you thinking of starting?


Yup! I’ll be doing printed books every “100 years”... five months or so