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The groundhog saw it's shadow yesterday, so, uh, polar vortex! I guess. I don't know what any of those things I just said mean. :|

Anywhoo, I'm getting the content calendar put together. I've picked up about 25 patrons in the last couple days alone (you guys are AWESOME, thank you so much), but, of course, that's probably going to put me in the weeds for requests. So I'll be slowing down on the marketing end of things a little to get caught up.

I've already got a big chunk of requests teed up on the website's content calendar, but it only goes into the first week or so.

So if you're a new Patron or on one of the monthly tiers, please let me know what you'd like to see down in the comments on this request. Remember that the theme for this month is Martial, and while I'll be making stuff outside of the theme, there's a better chance I'll make it quicker if it fits the theme. Granted, I can probaly make it fit the theme anyways, but I digress.

Thanks a ton you all! It really makes me excited to go into this year with so many people interested in my work. I think you'll see that there's going to be some really awesome stuff headed your way!



I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, so forgive me if I'm not. One problem I've faced is trying to wield Two-Handed weapons and Versatile weapons with a shield. I haven't seen anything that targets this, so I guess my request is a feat that allows you to use two hands and a shield effectively. Or at least rules clearing it up.


Yeah, both require two hands and the shield needs a free hand. However, adding bucklers in might be cool! Along with a feat for using them.


I think I would like to see rules for "Legacy/Inherited" Magical Items where each user adds a special property to item in question and as a new user takes it up, they add something and then through communing with the spirits of the previous users and get stronger level wise, they unlock previous abilities. I have dabbled with this in one of my campaigns but it is rather raw and a little clunky. I'm sure you would be able to refine it.


That's literally what I'm working on this moment. :) Well, kidna. Haha


Wow, funny co-wink-i-dink. XD I am looking forward to it. If you are interested in my clunky build I'd be happy to share it with you in a message either here on Facebook.