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There is a river that dips underground through a low-ceilinged cave before descending fairly gently under the grey hills to depths unknown. However, all it takes is a magic spell to lower the water level at the cave entrance to make this easily navigable by boat, as the river cave has a fairly high ceiling after the entrance… and at least one local merchant has been acquiring goods from someone along the underground river in this manner.

The very first structures along the river are attached to a small tower on the hills above and are now used by an upstart goblin tribe led by an orc named Rutmut and his two brothers.

The brothers are the only remaining survivors of a fearsome orc tribe that once plagued the area. Discovering the underground hideaway and the goblins therein, Rutmut saw the location as an opportunity to rebuild his tribe (even if it is with stinking goblins).

In order to fund the new tribe, Rutmut and his orcs recently led raids on a number of farms in the area, seizing commodities and animals. During one raid, Rutmut's brother Hurk kidnapped a farm girl. "Just like old times!" he bragged. Unfortunately, the girl was the constable's daughter. And now there's a sizable bounty on Rutmut's head: 500 gold pieces dead or alive.

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Hey Dave, did you ever expand upon Heart of Darkling as a full quest line? I didn't find anything in the archive or under tags. Thanks!


Hey Edward! No, they were a series of requests from a patron who has since quit


Dave I would be interested in seeing how this one ends if you find the time.