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Today is Rad's birthday, and once again he has to spend it alone. It's his birthday for one, or two. He can be two, because he's gone crazy. He is the least valued of all his brothers. When he was a kid, no one wanted to be at his birthday party except for a cute kid named Anne who was born on the same day as him. Anne was the only friend he had. Anne was the only one who could bring happiness to Rad.

Every year on their birthdays, Anne always gave Rad his favorite gift and Rad gave Anne a gift. When Rad was sad that he had no other friends, Anne reassured him that they would meet all kinds of people as they grew up, and that there would be someone who would want to be his friend. This made Rad look forward to the day when he would become an adult. Gradually, Rad fell in love with Anne, and every day he imagined how Anne would look like when she grew up, and how beautiful she would be. However, something broke the poor boy's heart. He learned by chance that Anne was actually a boy and that before he could talk to Anne about it, Anne had gone abroad with her parents.

Rad went crazy, thinking that Anne had cheated on him and abandoned him. Even though Anne left a letter saying that he would return the day they came of age, Rad felt that it was just a trick on him. Although Rad was devastated, he couldn't forget Anne, or more precisely, he couldn't forget the female Anne, even though she didn't exist. Rad began to play the female Anne in his mind, imitating her behavior, tone of voice, dress and makeup. These actions were soon noticed by others, but Rad had always been a neglected presence, not to mention that he was now insane. No one cared about him and he spent his days with his fantasy Anne, even spending his birthday with her.

Today is Rad and Anne's birthday, and it's a coming-of-age day. As usual, Rad dresses up as the red lady, his fantasy Anne, and starts talking to himself. "Today is our birthday!" "Yes, let's celebrate!" "Happy birthday to us~" "Happy birthday to us~" Rad picked up a strawberry from the cake and ate it, tears running down from the corners of his eyes.

" Anne... Anne..." It was time for the little kid to leave his fantasy. He knew he couldn't keep dwelling on the past, the beauty dream would eventually end. Today's his coming-of-age day, he had to face reality. Even so, he couldn't forget Anne.

Suddenly, Rad heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw a familiar person. His sweetness and gentleness had never changed, and the boy standing in the doorway was Anne.

"Ah ...... I'm still staying in the fantasy. I can see..." "Hello, miss, do you know a boy named Rad?" "Oh, I must have gotten crazier, I can even hear him talking..." "Miss, I just want to meet my friend. We made a promise when we were kids that I would return the day we came of age, and today is that day." "This is not my fantasy?" "What are you talking about, miss? I'm real..." "Ha... ha... Anne!!!"

Rad cried out, smiling and hugging Anne. "Wait, why are you...""I've missed you! Please forgive me for not believing you would come back. Now I swear I'll always believe in you!" "Uh...are you... Rad?" "Yes, it's me!" "You're a girl!?" "Uh...I'm a boy, but for some reason I dress up like this. You can think of me as a girl if you want." " Looks like my being away all these years has made you sad. I'm sorry." "That's okay, you're back anyway! I still remember every second of our birthdays together. We gave each other presents every year on our birthdays." "I'm sorry I didn't give you a present during the years I was away." "That's okay, we can continue from this year!" "I...I forgot to bring a present today." "What are you talking about? You are the greatest gift ever!" "Well, that's right." "It's my turn. What do you want as a gift?" "Maybe...a girlfriend like you?" "You want me to be your girlfriend?" "Oh, I know it's weird to do something like that between two boys..." "No, it's not weird at all! I told you that you can treat me like a girl. I've gotten used to being a girl. Maybe I'd prefer to be a girl with you!" "Thank you." "Let's eat cake and start our date!" "Haha... date." "Come here, Anne. Let's make today the best day of our lives~"





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