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Rumor has it that a demon has imprisoned a lovely princess in a castle. Many heroes went to that castle to save the princess, but there is always a princess in the castle. People say that it is not because the heroes failed, but because of other unknown reasons. A hero was interested in the matter. Since those heroes succeeded, why they did not save the princess? Could it be that the princess was not actually cute, but ugly? The hero wanted to confirm this suspicion himself.

The heroe was strong, so the battle was very easy. The demon was easily defeated, and the hero arrived at the door of the room where the princess was kept. Now he had a huge doubt that the demon was just alive, which might mean that those heroes were not victorious, but how could such a weak demon not be defeated? Perhaps the key to solving this mystery is the princess. He opened the door and saw a beautiful girl wrapped in ribbons, that was the princess people were talking about. She was not ugly at all, but cuter than many girls. At the first sight of her, the hero was charmed, but he quickly came back to his senses and cut those ribbons. However, instead of thanking him, the princess shouted in a male voice, "Finally, I am free!" and ran outside the castle. The hero chased after the princess, but she had disappeared, and only her clothes were left on the ground.

The hero looked at those soft clothes, they really fit the lovely girl. Suddenly, the castle shook and a new demon appeared beside the hero. The hero picked up his weapon and prepared to fight, but he found himself shrinking. His body became more and more petite, his skin became smoother, and his various features became feminized. When the changes stopped, the hero found himself with long, beautiful hair. The crystal on the demon's chest imprinted the hero's appearance at that moment, and she became a girl! To be more precise, a girl who looks exactly like the princess.

The princess could not fight, the demon trapped her with magic and let her float into the air. Those clothes on the ground moved and were put on her body. Then the princess was sent to that room and had her arms wrapped in ribbons. Now she understood the truth of the rumors, they were not wrong, there was always a princess in the castle ......




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