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Author's note: 

Hey, guys, here I am with a new chapter for Hans's story. In this chapter, you will get to learn a few things about what transpired between Hans and Klaus while Klaus was away from Jake, on his business trip to Germany. Have fun!


On The Rebound – Chapter 2

Three rounds of drinks later, Hans knew plenty of things about Stephen. The guy liked cats more than dogs, he had his own law practice, and he was 28 years old. They both liked soccer, they even used to play a little, and they disliked with a fiery passion stupid memes. Yet, he had not learned the most important thing. Was Stephen in a relationship or not?

Hans fiddled with the glass, pondering whether he should to bring that up or not. They were just hooking up, right? For a second time, and the shivers of anticipation seemed unfazed by the alcohol both of them had already ingested.

“I feel like I should come clean to you,” Stephen interrupted his train of thought. 

The man stared hard at his empty glass before continuing.

“I’m coming off of a pretty nasty break up. You’re like … my rebound guy.”

Hans exhaled. Well, at least the guy wasn’t taken and some low life two-timer. 

“Actually, my situation is not far from yours, either,” he admitted.

Stephen snorted.

“It’s uncanny how many things we seem to have in common. I thought my rebound guy was just going to be the fuck and forget type of person. Sorry, I don’t mean to offend you in any way. I think you’re really cool.”

“No offense taken,” Hans smiled. “So, care to tell me a bit about your ex? It may help to get it off your chest. And maybe you won’t think of him while I fuck your brains out tonight.”

Stephen licked his lips and his eyes sparkled.

“I am so relieved you take this so well. I would not forgive myself if I were to hurt you. Or your feelings.”

“We’re just hooking up,” Hans said, with a small shrug. “And so far, all this rebound sex has been pretty amazing. So I have no complaints.”

“Well, since it is confession time,” Stephen made a small gesture for the waiter to bring them another round, “let me make it as short as possible.”

“You can make it as long as you want, sweetheart,” Hans joked. “The night is young, and I don’t mind a little bit of chatting before heading to bed.”

“All right,” Stephen drew a long breath. “Two weeks ago, I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years.”

“Uh, that’s called going steady,” Hans whistled. “What went wrong?”

Stephen moved his head to one side then the other.

“I don’t know. Maybe it was my fault. I wanted too much.”

“What did you want? A pony?” Hans joked.

Stephen laughed.

“I like guys with a great sense of humor,” he replied.

“And I like guys who think that I have a great sense of humor, and laugh at my bad jokes,” Hans said.

“Anyway, it wasn’t a pony what I wanted. It was … exclusivity.”

“Exclusivity?” Hans frowned. “Weren’t you in a relationship? Last time I checked, that’s what being exclusive means.”

“Daniel wanted an open relationship. He made it pretty clear to me. I think it was after we were seeing each other for 6 months.”

“How did you take the news?” Hans linked his fingers and rested his chin on them.

“More like how I took the fact that my boyfriend was fucking some guy in our bed.”

“Ugh, nasty,” Hans grimaced. “Did you give them a good thrashing?”

“I’m not exactly built for that,” Stephen chuckled, but his eyes darkened at the painful memory. “But we sat down and talked. I mean, after the guy my boyfriend was fucking was out the door. I asked Daniel, as calm as I could, what he wanted with me. He told me that he wanted to continue being my boyfriend. I should have walked away,” he added.

“But you didn’t.”

“No. I didn’t. I think things were okay when Daniel was not out on one of his chases. He fell in love quickly. And out of love, too. That was what he used to say.”

“And did you sleep with others, too?”

“I tried. But I didn’t have it in me, it seemed. Each time I tried, I just thought of Daniel. And it wasn’t right.”

“So, what changed that you decided to break up? I assume you were the one to give the guy the boot.”

Stephen looked downright miserable at that question.

“No,” he shook his head. “Actually, he was the one to break up with me. And, silly me, I was devastated. He said he found someone who understood him much better than me. And better in bed.”

“Who the fuck did he score with?” Hans snorted. “I’ve been with plenty of hot guys, and 99% can’t compare with you.”

Stephen’s face lit up.

“Thanks,” he said sheepishly. “I know you’re saying that just to make me feel better, but it is still appreciated.”

“No, I’m not just saying it,” Hans shook his head with determination. “You’re fantastic in bed. End of story.”

Stephen’s eyes became warmer as the guy looked at Hans. Hans wanted nothing else but to lean over the table and kiss the guy. But now was not the right time to do that. 

“So, after 5 years, I was alone, again. Daniel was so quick to move out that it felt like he had never been there, in my apartment. Is it really that easy to erase someone from your life? I threw away almost all the stuff reminding me of him, but …”

“I saw the picture,” Hans immediately owned up to his indiscretion. “It was in the drawer. I just noticed.”

“No problem, don’t worry,” Stephen waved. “I should throw that, too.”

“Don’t hate me, but I feel kind of relieved that you’re single. I am not exactly crazy about ruining happy homes,” Hans spoke.

“I think that, if I’m completely honest, that was never a happy home,” Stephen mused. “Anyways, enough with my crappy story. What about you?”

Hans sighed.

“Complicated stuff. I got involved with my life long best friend. We have been on and off for years. And I just finally realized that I could never be with him the way I wanted. So I was just back from seeing him when we met yesterday. He’s big in the real estate business and spends time abroad on a regular basis. And, when I saw you, I was just in the middle of thinking that I should finally let go of the idea that I would ever be together with him.”

“What is wrong with that guy?” Stephen asked, his eyes wide.

Hans felt taken aback.

“Why would anything be wrong with him?” he questioned.

“Just look at you. You’re perfect,” Stephen explained. “Why would anyone let you go?”

Hans laughed.

“You’re flattering me, sweetheart.”

“No, I’m not,” Stephen shook his head. “It’s true that I don’t really know you, and you might have some gross habits like keeping dirty socks under the bed …”

“Ew, I’d never do that,” Hans chuckled.

“See? What did I say? Perfect,” Stephen said with conviction. 

“The truth is I should have never gotten involved with him. We did it the first time as a dare, or as a joke, I don’t quite remember. We are just so good friends. The best. But once we started fucking, everything went to hell. I felt he wasn’t all there, with me.”

“Was he sleeping with other guys?”

“No, he is the kind that is totally against cheating and open relationships and whatnot. But he is … an arrogant, selfish, self-centered asshole,” Hans said in one beat. “Wow, I never thought I was going to say that,” he added with a relieved sigh. “Not that he wasn’t generous in bed. He was. He made me come like there was no tomorrow. But he never bottomed. And he had all kinds of crazy rules when it came to intimacy. And he said it clearly to me that we are just fuck buddies … I don’t know. As friends, I had never hated him. But, as a lover, he was just making me feel down. Whenever I tried to get closer, emotionally, he shrugged me off like I was lint on his lapel.”

“Wow, he does sound like a cold son of a bitch,” Stephen murmured.

“Actually, I think it was I who was at fault, not him. He never promised me anything. I just wanted more. And I got mad when he refused to give me what I wanted.”

“What did you want?” Stephen asked.

“Well, I think I wanted him to be … the one. You know. I wanted the perfect …”

“Perfect relationship,” Stephen completed his sentence and both started laughing. 

“Yeah, I think so,” Hans admitted. “I should have never gotten involved with an anti-romantic such as him. Plus, I think he never wanted to lose me as a friend. And he was pretty obsessed with that idea. To the point that he preferred that we broke up, rather than dragging on with a relationship that was going nowhere. Wow, this conversation is definitely refreshing,” Hans took a long sip from his drink. 

“Did you say you just came back from seeing him? Did you sleep with him, one last time?” Stephen questioned. “I didn’t get my goodbye sex, by the way.”

“Me neither. Klaus had gotten himself a new guy to torment with his insufferable attitude before I got there. I pity the poor boy.”

“Is Klaus’s new lover that young?”

“I think Jake is 21. A really handsome young man. Funny thing, I believe he has a chance to bring Klaus down from his high horse a little.”

“How come?” Stephen rested his chin on one open palm and his eyes lit up.

Not one to pass on a little gossip, Hans thought with satisfaction. Maybe it was a little petty on his part, but it felt good to talk like that about Klaus.

“He is totally different from the type Klaus usually prefers. He’s just a boy from a poor neighborhood in a town where Klaus is building some developments. The boy is all gangsta and stuff like that. Or at least those are the appearances. I played a few matches against him, and the boy is a winner. I think Klaus has no idea what he’s getting himself into. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Jake turns the table on Klaus.”

Stephen giggled.

“Do you think Jake will top Klaus and make him realize what he has been missing?”

“I would not go that far, but I already think that the boy is getting under Klaus’s skin big time. Klaus was awfully territorial when I was there. It was funny to see him like that. Of course, he was never like that with me,” Hans added with a sigh. “His precious charge will be the end of him as everyone knows him, or at least this is what I think. When that happens, I’ll definitely grab the popcorn.”

“Sounds like fun,” Stephen chimed in. “Wait, did you say your friend’s name is Klaus? Klaus Metzger, perhaps? Like in the playboy type real estate tycoon?”

“Yep, that’s him,” Hans admitted. “Wait, don’t tell me you and him ...” his heart sank.

“No, no, no,” Stephen protested. “I was with a douchebag for 5 years, remember? I didn’t have time or inclination for anything else. But it struck me as familiar, the name, I mean. The truth is I read way too many tabloids.”

“Guilty as charged here, too,” Hans laughed. “Wait, I hope you’re not some clever paparazzo ready to spill the beans about what I told you.”

Stephen laughed out loud.

“No way. I handle much more boring affairs, as you know.”

For a few seconds, silence stretched between them, each of them musing over their own confessions.

“I have an idea,” Hans started.

“I was thinking,” Stephen said at the same time.

“All right, you first,” Hans offered.

“No, I insist, you first,” Stephen shook his head.

“Both of us wanted the perfect relationship, right? And didn’t get it. Let’s just do that. Let’s pretend we have the perfect relationship for a few days. Just to see how it would feel. Maybe we got so absorbed with this idea that we didn’t realize that maybe it is not all that is cracked up to be. Unless you have other things to do over the next days, of course.”

“That is simply brilliant,” Stephen almost shouted. 

“Sweet,” Hans grinned and raised his glass. “Wait, what did you want to say?”

“I wish I had your idea. But it is even better than mine. I was thinking about asking you to spend the rest of the week together. Our free time, of course. I feel like I’ve been missing out on life too much already. And I feel awesome when I’m with you.”

“That’s exactly how I feel, too,” Hans admitted. “I’ve been a little too bitter lately. You’re light and fun, and I like that.”

Stephen clapped his hands in glee.

“So how should this perfect relationship thing go?”

“Well, I think we should go for the full enchilada. Let other people know that we are madly in love. Tell them that it was coup de foudre, love at first sight, that kind of thing. Act like that when alone, and when we are with others.”

“Do you want us to lie?” Stephen faked an affronted look, then burst into laughter. “Sounds great.”

“Cool,” Hans smiled.

“So, how should we go about this perfect relationship?” Stephen asked. “Since I don’t have any expertise in that field.”

“I don’t have it, either, but let’s just think. What would a couple crazy in love would do?”

“Hmm, plan a romantic getaway for the weekend?”

“Nice start. I put on the table a lot of sex every night.”

“Sexting during lunchtime?” Stephen immediately raised the bar.

“Calling each other diabetes inducing sweet nicknames?”

“How should I call you? Teddy bear?” 

“And how should I call you? My little pony?”

They began laughing so hard that a few other patrons turned to throw them curious looks.

“Damn, this is going to be so much fun,” Stephen giggled. “But I think I already like the way you call me sweetheart.”

“And I think I should settle for darling. I like the way it sounds in your mouth.”

“What other things do you like in my mouth?” Stephen upped the ante, and bit his bottom lip.

Hans chuckled and shook his head.

“Let’s go back to your place and I’ll show you.”


They didn’t make it that far. They blew each other off in a dark dead end alley.

“If we end up being arrested for public indecency, at least we will be able to say that we did it for love,” Hans joked, as he got up to his feet, while wiping his lips.

He had been bent on swallowing Stephen’s load right from the start and the man had whimpered deliciously while almost tearing Hans’s hair off his scalp. 

“Can I make an addendum to our plan?” he asked.

Stephen shrugged.

“Sure thing.”

“Let’s make it longer than this week, what do you say?”

“I have an even better idea. Let’s do it until we get bored. And no matter which one of us gets to that point first, let’s just be honest, okay? No hard feelings on the other’s part.”

Hans hummed, feeling pleased.

“I totally agree. Now that you let me have a taste, you can’t put me back on a diet. You’re sweet as candy, sweetheart.”

“Of course I am, darling,” Stephen teased. “And, as a couple madly in love in the 21st century, we should do the prosaic stuff, too.”

“Like what?”

“Like having you move a few things to my place. Exchanging health test results. You know, that kind of thing.”

“That means we agree on going exclusive,” Hans said.

Stephen stiffened.

“Yeah, I mean ...” he started.

Hans began laughing.

“I was just pulling your leg. Of course we go exclusive. Is it a perfect relationship or not? That’s like the starting point. If any of us feels like seeing someone else, the deal is off and that’s it. And, yes, darling, I will make sure to send my personal health details and also populate your nice apartment with a few of my things. If you have hard limits in that area, just let me know.”

“Not really,” Stephen relaxed. “Unless you want to bring an X cross to the bedroom. I’m afraid there is not enough space for that.” 

“Duly noted,” Hans pulled the man closer and kissed him loudly on his lips. “Now let’s go before some nice police officers come asking what on earth we are doing here, at this hour.”


The weekend had been a total blast. They had spent it mostly between the sheets, despite the quaint bed and breakfast and the surroundings offering much more to see and do. Hans had to wonder briefly if it was possible never to leave the bed. It was quite clear that he and Stephen were both enjoying something they had been missing for who knew how long. 

He caressed the beautiful curve of the man’s ass, and Stephen mumbled something in his sleep. Hans could not help but think how could that douchebag of a boyfriend let this guy go. Stephen was fantastic. He was kind, funny, and amazing in bed. Also, handsome. What could some people want?

He went for a quick shower and returned to find Stephen slowly waking up. 

“Do you think we should go outside the room once in a while?” the guy joked.

“And ruin our reputation as the perfect couple? You know people like us need nothing else but love to survive.”

Stephen laughed and Hans jumped on the bed to kiss him. The man pushed him away playfully.

“I need to brush my teeth,” he justified, as Hans pouted like a miffed child.

“Well, you’ll have to do that while having one of my hands on your ass,” Hans said promptly.

Stephen rolled his eyes, but laughed.

“I think that is totally fine.”

Later, as Stephen got back from his shower, and Hans let go of his idea to pester the man while in there, they took up where they had left off. Stephen was a great kisser, his mouth soft and pliant, a bit demanding, but not in a domineering way, but in an asking nicely way, and Hans loved it.

“Say, darling,” Stephen’s voice was deliciously shy, “do you like to bottom once in a while?”

Hans stretched on the comfy bed like a lazy cat.

“Knock yourself out, sweetheart. This body is yours for the taking.”

Stephen glued to him head to toes, and started kissing him again. Hans was just about to really get in the mood when the ringtone on his phone made them stop for a second.

“Since we’re the perfect couple, I should turn it off,” Hans turned slightly to grab the phone.

He sighed, upon seeing who was calling. Stephen looked over his shoulder.

“I think you should take it,” Stephen said into his ear.

“Are you sure?” Hans frowned.

“You told me he’s your best friend. Remember, we’re the perfect couple. So jealousy is out of the question, right? Plus, how about I rim you good while you talk to him? How does that sound?”

“Pretty fucking swell,” Hans grinned and turned on his belly, hiking his ass up to allow Stephen easy access.

He swiped right.

“Hey, Klaus,” he called cheerfully. 

He looked over his shoulder and winked at Stephen. The wicked tongue going straight for his nerve endings made him grunt helplessly.

“Is this a bad time?” he heard Klaus talking on the other end.

Hans exhaled and tried to control his breathing, but Stephen was merciless. The tongue in his ass was doing some amazing swirls.

“No, it’s actually ... a pretty awesome time,” Hans said slowly.

“You sound like you are ... wait, are you with someone? Who?”

“A little too curious, aren’t you?” Hans joked and bit back a moan as Stephen grabbed his buttocks and parted them hard.

“You sound ... strange. I will be brief.”

“Shoot,” Hans said.

“I will arrive in Berlin tomorrow. The damn business deal must be done as soon as possible.”

“Why are you so frustrated over it? You have been waiting for this for a while,” Hans spoke.

“It is an inopportune time,” Klaus said, rather clipped. “It is not possible for me to take Jake along.”

“Jake is a big boy. He can spend a few days alone. What’s the worst that can happen?”

Klaus remained silent for a couple of seconds.

“He confessed to me. He told me that he loved me. The fucking deal should have fucking waited.”

It was not like Klaus to use uncouth words, unless he was truly frustrated.

“Jake used the L word? Are you serious? You must have misheard,” Hans joked.

The tongue in his ass took a break. Stephen landed on Hans’s back, pressing closer, obviously curious about what was going on. Hans could not repress a smile and placed a small peck on the guy’s plump lips.

“You are with someone,” Klaus said matter-of-factly.

“Yes, I’m with my boyfriend,” Hans said promptly.

“When did you land one so fast? You have been in Berlin for only a few days.”

“Well, what can I say? It was love at first sight,” Hans said cheerfully and Stephen giggled next to him.

“Well, good for you,” Klaus said, and Hans could tell the man was frowning at the other end. “Hans, I hope you did not do something stupid like hiring an escort. I know you were upset when you left ...”

Stephen took a hold of the phone and asked Hans with his eyes if it was okay. Hans nodded in agreement.

“Klaus, baby, I am no escort, that I can assure you,” Stephen said playfully. “I am afraid you will have to deal with the fact that your best friend just found the love of his life.”

“I see,” Klaus voice was reaching arctic temperatures. “And who I am speaking to?”

“My name is Stephen, and, since I hear you will come home soon, we will surely meet. My beloved takes me everywhere with him.”

Stephen winked at Hans. They could barely keep straight faces.

“I can barely wait to make your acquaintance,” Klaus replied. “Can you please now put Hans back on? Thank you.”

“See you, bye,” Stephen said cheerfully and handed back the phone.

Hans felt triumphant and a bit avenged. Who knew such petty things could make a man happy? Yet, it was not that. It was definitely something else and he needed a bit of time to clear his head.

“So, what did you say to Jake? Wait, did the two of you have sex? How was it?”

“Hans, I am not discussing my love life with a third person, a stranger, listening.”

“How can you say that my beloved is a stranger? He’s like a part of me,” Hans said.

“Do you hear yourself? When did you become so cheesy?”

“When I met Stephen,” Hans answered promptly. “Do you want my help or not? Plus, Stephen works in legal, he can help,” his voice became serious now.

He realized too late that he was practically offering Stephen’s services without asking. A short look to his fake perfect boyfriend told him that everything was okay.

“Ah, is he a lawyer?” Klaus finally sounded like he was coming around. “Yes, I could use the extra help on my team. But are you sure you can vouch for him? You know this is a delicate matter. I need perfect discretion and you are the only person I can count on.”

Hans looked over to Stephen who now looked serious, too.

“Stephen is a trustworthy person. Yes, I vouch for him.”

Was he really ready for such a leap of faith? A look at Stephen told him he could. He had always had a sense for identifying good people. That was how he had known Jake was a good guy, too.

“But let alone the boring stuff,” Hans joked. “We’ll see to it when you get here. Now tell me about Jake.”

Klaus sighed on the other end.

“He is perfect, Hans. I think I need to reevaluate my initial decision. Only the thought of leaving him behind for an entire week is ... terribly unpleasant.”

“Wow,” Hans said. “Is the ice cap melting? Should I invest in a floatation device?”

To his relief, Klaus chuckled.

“I do not believe in romance, like you do, but I need to make a man out of him. He gave me so much already. I am indebted.”

Stephen rolled his eyes, and mouthed Klaus’s last word like it was the wrong answer on Jeopardy. Hans jabbed him playfully.

“So you are in love, but you don’t admit it,” he told Klaus.

“Love is a strong word. What I feel is a sense of duty. I feel like I should not leave him, but I have no choice.”

“What you feel are two throbbing things in your body: one between your legs, and one inside your chest. I know you must be scared, but this is how love feels like.”

“You are totally wrong, my friend. I cannot be scared. And of what? A boy still wet behind the ears?”

“Stop being such a stuck up. You’re scared of your own feelings, not Jake. And, you used the term, your ‘love life’.”

“It is merely a figure of speech. Nothing more.”

“Then staying away from Jake for a few days should be nothing but a walk in the park.”

An annoyed huff was the only reply.

“He is delicate. Not in his appearance, or the way he speaks. But inside. When I break up with him, I need him to have a future.”

“Well, you have a few good months to do that. Or just offer him enough money to last a lifetime. That should ease your conscience.”

“It is not that easy. As for the time I will spend here, that will not be enough. I need him as we speak. I am going to take him home with me, once I finish the business I have here.”

“Wow. And you say you’re not in love.”

“I have a physical need for him. And he has become my responsibility, now that I know that he is in love with me.”

“Whatever you say, buddy,” Hans shrugged. “And you’re the one who says I cannot fall in love in a few days. You’re practically doing the same thing. What are you going to do with Jake once you have him here?”

“I will definitely do what I cannot right now,” Klaus sighed. “I will make love to him until he is completely satisfied.”

“Making love? Not fucking? So glad to see you growing up,” Hans joked and winked at Stephen as he rolled on his back.

Stephen didn’t waste any time and went straight for his prize. Hans bit his lips hard as the man took him down to the hilt in one go.

“Just a figure of speech,” he heard Klaus saying.

“What?” he mumbled, his mind a bit muddy, hijacked by the clever tongue and mouth handling his cock.

“I see that your special friend is up to no good,” Klaus chuckled on the other end. “I fly in tomorrow.”

“Text me the time and flight number. I will come get you from the airport. And, of course, I’m going to introduce you to my cute boyfriend.”

“Who, I suppose, right this very moment, has a mouth full of cock,” Klaus said unceremoniously.

Hans laughed, then hissed, as tiny teeth scraped the sensitive flesh.

“Enjoy your boyfriend, Hans. I definitely intend to do the same thing once I finish calling everyone involved and I can go to Jake’s room.”

“It’s funny to hear you so impatient. Have a nice time, Klaus. And I mean it.”

Yes, he meant it, he realized as he cut the connection and stared down at the beautiful man sucking him in earnest. He had expected the familiar pang of jealousy as with each time Klaus spoke of another lover, but there was nothing there. And it was not empty, either. His heart was full, happy and free. And it had to do with the person currently slapping his plump lips with Hans’s cock with an expression of pure bliss on his handsome face. So far, this perfect relationship therapy was working wonders. He felt better than ever.

“How about you fuck me already, baby?” he cooed.

Stephen giggled as he straightened up, not without giving the glistening head of Hans’s head a last swipe with his tongue.

“We’re going to do it bareback, right? Once we get the test results,” Stephen spoke. “I can barely wait.”

“Hmm, that makes two, because I can barely wait to hammer your sweet ass and come inside like a horse.”

Stephen laughed, but he quickly pushed Hans’s legs up, seemingly curious about making acquaintance with the other’s puckered hole. Hans exhaled as curious fingers dipped in lube began probing him, a tad clumsy.

“How often did you top your boyfriend?” he asked, intuition nudged him to speak.

“Once in a blue moon,” Stephen rolled his eyes. “Wait, I hope you’re not giving in only because of this perfect relationship thing we have going on. If you don’t want ...”

“Don’t you dare move. Stay there and give me the fucking you always wanted.”

Stephen’s eyes became a bit unfocused.

“Fuck, it was my forever fantasy to give it to a muscled top like you.”

“Shut up and get to work. Relationships are hard, and so is my cock,” Hans joked.

Maybe he should not have spoken so quickly. Stephen pushed inside him with a small grunt.

“Damn, so tight,” Stephen whispered. “I think I’ll come fast. Please don’t laugh,” he begged.

“There is no way I would do that. Fuck your fill, sweetheart. I want to see your pretty face while you fuck me. Don’t hold back.”

And Stephen knew how to do that, because Hans had to clutch the sheets with all his might, as the guy began to fuck him vigorously. Stephen was not even close to Klaus in the downstairs department, but the surprise was that he found it more pleasurable like this. The guy’s hard as steel cock was hitting just the right spot, despite not being as thick and long. With Klaus, it had always been about battles and conquests. Now, it was all about ...

No, he was not going to go there. Both of them were in this for the fun of it, and for the sake of an experiment that was bound to make them reach a deeper understanding of what they truly wanted.

He was breathing hard, as Stephen got into even more of a frenzy. He swiftly grabbed his own cock and began pumping in, soon enough spilling his seed all over his abdomen and chest.

“Fuck, you’re so hot, Hans,” Stephen whispered.

Hans grabbed the man’s buttocks to help him sustain his frantic rhythm. Stephen came with a small, refrained grunt and collapsed over Hans.

As he came to his senses, Stephen began lapping gently at Hans’s release, cleaning him little by little.

“You’re the one who’s hot, Stephen,” Hans said gently as he caressed the man’s damp forehead.

This was no act. It was just the truth. A simple one.



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