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Author's note: Hi guys! Here I am, with the promised story of Hans and Stephen. This story starts with Hans landing in Berlin, after leaving Klaus and Jake, at the beginning of Collateral. It will touch Klaus's and Jake's story line in places, too. I hope you guys will like it!

Summary: I have an idea. A brilliant idea. Let’s pretend we have the perfect relationship.

Chapter 1

“So sorry, sir, we are out of vanilla cappuccino. In fact, we just served the last cup to the customer ahead of you.”

In a country bent on drinking regular coffee, and not that much into specialties, he had to stumble upon the only one other person who happened to have a sweet tooth, just like him. A bit annoyed, he turned to see the person who had snatched the bitter-sweet fix he needed right from under his nose.

Hmm, Hans thought, as his eyes met moss-like greens. He could forgive the guy. Too handsome to hold anything against him. Tall and slender. Nice attire, not extremely formal. Extremely nice smile, though. And wavy chestnut hair that begged to be ruffled. With a sigh, he turned to the counter to order something else. After a long flight and the ride by train to the city center, he still needed his coffee. This was just a stop before hailing a taxi. 

“Please,” he heard a voice next to him, and he saw the stranger fond of vanilla cappuccino handing him his cup. “I haven’t touched it yet, and I think it’s still hot enough.”

“Hot enough indeed,” Hans gave the guy a quick once-over. “But I cannot accept it.”

The stranger blinked a few times, making him look almost pretty. Then he smiled. Hans wondered if the lights in the café suddenly grew brighter. No, it was just the guy’s smile. 

“I insist,” the guy added and held out the cup.

Other people were waiting in line, and Hans had no intention to make them wait even more. So, he ceremoniously took the cup, addressing thanks, and watched the stranger order something else.

“Would you mind sharing a table?” he asked suddenly.

His gaydar was on high alert. There was no way a straight guy would have smiled so sweetly at him upon hearing that question.

“Not at all,” the charming stranger replied.

Hans gestured for a small table by the window.

“I’m Hans, by the way,” he offered his hand. “And thanks again for this,” he raised his cup. “You’re a lifesaver.”

The hand holding his was warm and firm. And the green eyes were sparking with a bit of mischief, as beautiful full lips curled upwards.

“Stephen. As for being a life saver, I would not use that term to describe myself. I’m more in the legal field than the health department.”

Willing to share personal information so soon? Hans took a sip from his coffee and almost groaned in delight. The stiffness from the flight was going to be gone soon, or at least as soon as he was going to finish that. He didn’t miss the suddenly forlorn look Stephen threw at him. Without overthinking things, he pushed the cup towards the guy.

“Maybe we can share?” he smiled.

“Oh, god, thanks,” the guy said with enthusiasm and took a long sip.

Then he pushed back the cup towards Hans.

“Well, besides the fact that you are working in the legal business, you also don’t mind exchanging fluids with a total stranger. That expands my knowledge concerning you,” he joked.

Maybe he was swimming a bit too far from the shore here, but the guy seemed open to that sort of conversation. And not only, seeing that he had no hang-ups about drinking coffee from the same cup with another guy, and one he had just met, on top of it all.

“You? A total stranger? I know your name,” Stephen said, and a flirtatious smile colored his lips.

“Didn’t your parents tell you not to be so gullible?” Hans laughed. “I could be an ax murderer.” 

“Are you?”

“Straight to the point, are you not?”

“Straight is not a word I am fond of,” Stephen said, looking at him, laughter wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

“Um, touche,” Hans smiled. “So, what are your plans?”

Stephen smiled, leaving the question hanging.


And those were some plans Hans didn’t mind sharing with the guy, as he felt soft lips wrapping around his hard member, and a dexterous hand fondling his balls. Too bad he had to keep quiet, seeing that the café restroom was not precisely the most soundproof space in the universe. It was good thing everything was sparkling clean, and there was even soft music playing in the background.

Nonetheless, two guys in the same stall had to keep quiet, so Hans just chose to bite hard on one hand, while he used the other to hold a secure grip on chestnut waves of hair. Yes, as he had imagined. Soft to the touch.

Stephen was not one to do things by half. He had no apparent gag reflex, and Hans knew from experience that not many guys could take him down to the hilt so quickly. The guy’s blowjob was pure gold.

The strong grip on the guy’s hair turned into a slow caress. Hans curled his fingers around the other man’s neck, though there was no point in coaxing him into anything. Stephen was more than enthusiastic as he bobbed his head to and fro with practiced ease. Hans could feel his balls growing tighter, as he slid in and out that gorgeous mouth. 

And the tongue action … When had it been the last time he had been on the receiving end of so much skillful tongue? Stephen was pretty much a multitasker since he could swirl his tongue so well over the sensitive head each time he drew back. 

“Sweetheart, you should slow down a little,” Hans whispered, “or I’m going to add some unnecessary cream to that cappuccino you just had.”

By the way, the guy’s throat thrummed, Hans could tell Stephen was shaking with restrained laughter. But he followed the whispered recommendation, by removing his hot mouth from Hans’s cock.

Stephen was unapologetic and firm as he began rubbing Hans’s hardness faster. Looking up, Stephen winked, and Hans knew that was going to be one way to go. On the plus side, the guy knew when to close his eyes, as Hans spewed all over his handsome face, with some droplets landing in the man’s wavy hair. 

He banged his head against the stall door and cursed softly. Stephen was giggling, the naughty one, and courteously, Hans reached for some tissues to hand him a few plies. The guy took the offer and began to wipe his face daintily. 

“Wait, there is still some here,” Hans did his best to remove the offending droplets of semen from the guy’s hair. 

He took in the man’s soft lips, now a bit red from the previous exertion, and caressed them slowly. They had been too busy stumbling inside the stall, and he had not thought about kissing the guy first. However, that didn’t mean that the occasion was lost. So he leaned in and brushed his lips against Stephen’s. Yes, definitely, the man had perfect kissable lips. 

“Thanks,” he said, as their short kiss ended, and helped the man to his feet.

The back of his hand pushed against Stephen’s crotch. 

“I should return the favor,” Hans said with a smirk.

Stephen was on the point of replying when a sound made them both freeze. Someone must have entered the restroom and was now taking care of business. It was weird to stay frozen like that, while they waited for the guy to finish. 

They let out a breath, as soon as the door closed. Then they gestured to one another and began laughing at the same time.

“I think I’ll have to call rain check on that,” Stephen said while looking into Hans’s eyes.

Was it just his impression or was the stall growing smaller? Stephen was all over him, placing a quick, hard kiss on his lips.

“That means that we need to exchange phone numbers,” Hans joked. 

“Sure, why not,” Stephen smiled widely. “But let’s do that after we get out of here.”

“Agreed,” Hans smiled back.

He felt like a naughty teenager sneaking out of the house to go to a party, as he left the restroom. Stephen emerged from there a couple of minutes later. It had been an exciting adventure. But now he needed just to head back home. 


He hailed the taxi and pressed the hand on the door handle, ready to get in. 

“My apologies, sir, but I have already been booked by another client,” the driver spoke.

“It looks like today I have a knack for getting in your way,” he heard a now familiar voice next to him. “Come, hop in. I don’t mind any detour, and by now you should know I don’t mind sharing,” he added, pouring that sweetness that must have been his signature, into every word.

“Sure,” he shrugged and climbed into the back, making enough room for Stephen, after the driver took his carry-all and placed it in the trunk.

“So, where to?” Stephen asked him, as soon as they were comfortably seated.

Hans took one long, pensive look at the guy. The truth was he had no reason to hurry home. And he needed to remove some of the leftover bitter taste in his mouth, after seeing Klaus. He and his best friend were never going to happen. Not the way he wanted. That was a fact, and he had to face the music. That sweet thing Klaus had in his clutches right now might have a chance at that man’s icy soul, though. But not him. He was done chasing that dream.

“Your place?” he asked, with every bit of determination he could muster.

Stephen’s eyes sparkled. He did not need to ask if it was okay to say that, to throw even the slightest hint.

“Sure thing,” Stephen replied and told the driver his address.

Hans could not believe he could be so hard just by feeling Stephen’s wandering hand on his thigh. He was strung out all right. And seeing that not more than half an hour ago, he had come all over the man’s beautiful face that was saying something.

Yes, a thorough one night stand that was going to question his ability to walk the next day could help him sort his head out. 

It was a good thing the driver was focused on the traffic. Stephen leaned against him, casually placing one elbow against Hans’s clothed erection, while the length of his forearm rested on Hans’s thigh. And then, he just turned his head and looked into Hans’s eyes with the most innocent expression possible.

Hans bit his lips to refrain from starting to laugh or curse, or both. He just moved his head slightly and whispered into the other guy’s hair.

“I will fuck you into the mattress for this.”

“Promise?” the other’s hot whisper on his face almost made him whimper.

“Definitely,” he managed. “Damn, where do you live? Outside the city?”

As if feeling his frustration, the driver brought the vehicle to a halt.

“We’re here,” Stephen smiled, and after paying the driver, he practically dragged Hans after him. 

He took a quick look at the fancy apartment building. 

“Ready?” Stephen took his hand again as if he was afraid Hans was going to bolt.

“Never been readier,” Hans replied with a small shrug and followed the man through the rotating door.


“Nice place,” he commented, taking in the perfect living room arrangement. 

He was not necessarily keen on interior decorations, and he liked to keep things simple. Stephen’s apartment was everything he loved in a place to live. Comfortable, practical. And two-toned.

Stephen hummed and went straight for his shirt, hurrying to take Hans out of his clothes. The man was definitely horny, and he had no qualms about acting on it. Hans had no issue with that, either. After all, Stephen had been nothing else but the generous part of this arrangement so far. He had every intention to turn the tables.

He quickly cradled the man’s head in his palms and kissed him.

“Let me take a quick shower,” Stephen took a step back and leaned in again to kiss Hans. “The bedroom is over there. Don’t hesitate to get comfortable. And by that, I mean completely naked. I can barely wait to see all of you,” he added, as his curious fingers followed the tight hard curves of Hans’s abdomen.

“Hmm, then it should be quid pro quo. Get out of that shower naked, okay?”

Stephen chuckled and winked at him. Hans could not help thinking that whatever was happening, it was the best hook up ever. He gently patted the man’s behind as Stephen made it fast for the bathroom, throwing his clothes partially on the floor.


Hans felt like a feline in heaven, as he stretched on the comfy bed. Stephen liked it comfy, it seemed. And Hans liked it comfy, too. And he could not stop a tiny bit of childish laugh. Hookups were not supposed to be this ... comfortable. He could not put his finger on it. He felt as relaxed here as he would have been at his own place by now.

With the sole difference that maybe, back home, he would not have been that hard. Not without reason, at least. 

He gave his erection a friendly tug. Stephen had a really striking face, and clothes looked good on him. But now he was curious about the whole thing. The guy didn’t look muscular, but he didn’t seem lanky either.

Luckily, he did not have to wait for long. The bedroom door opened and Stephen stood there, for dramatic effect, for a full ten seconds.

Hans felt like the dormant feline in him was waking up. His eyes traveled languidly over the man’s naked form. Not a gym rat, that was for sure. But he had a well-proportioned body, nonetheless, smooth, and obviously well cared for. 

If someone was to ask him, he could not explain how Stephen managed to have a sort of twinkish charm, and still look every bit like a full grown man. He straightened up on the fluffy pillows. 

“Well, hello there,” he put his arms behind his head and smiled.

Stephen’s cock was hard and bounced as the guy moved towards the bed with the grace of a dancer. He climbed on the bed, wearing nothing but that gorgeous, million-dollar smile.

“I should maybe not ask since it’s obvious,” Stephen cooed, “but you’re a top, right?”

And, with that, he grabbed Hans’s cock and stuffed it suddenly into his mouth. Hans grunted and grabbed a handful of nice chestnut curls. Stephen looked up, a bit surprised.

“Come here,” Hans said, his voice low and raspy. “I want to kiss my fill first.”

It was nice to have the man’s tight ass rub against his erection as Stephen straddled him. Hans pushed a few strands of hair behind the guy’s ear and pulled him closer. Stephen rested his hands against Hans’s chest and began kneading in earnest, as if on cue. 

Hans loved how pliant Stephen’s mouth was. His mind traveled shortly to the way he had used to kiss Klaus. Or better said, as he had been the one kissed. Rough, demanding, always with a bite. Everything had to be a fight with that man. And it hadn’t mattered that Hans was willing to plead surrender. At the time, he had thought things were pretty hot. But not as hot as this.

Stephen was a soft moaner, too, giving up sweetly. Hans moved swiftly and pressed the other into the plush cover. He was breaking the kiss now and then, only to bite on soft, tasty flesh and pull at the plump bottom lip.

“Are you going to make me come by kissing alone?” Stephen complained although the soft exhales leaving his mouth were indicating that the guy was not displeased at all with the attention.

“I promised that I’d fuck you into the mattress, didn’t I?” Hans glared, but he could not help smiling.

“Get on with that promise already,” Stephen demanded, but he was smiling, too.

“So, where do you keep your condoms and lube?” Hans pushed himself up.

Stephen gestured for the bedside table. Hans pulled the drawer and immediately picked up a few condoms and the bottle of lube. He didn’t miss the framed picture thrown carelessly into the drawer. One corner was chipped. And the photo showed Stephen with some guy caught in what looked like a heated embrace. 

He hesitated for a moment. Had Stephen thrown the picture in the drawer so that Hans could not see it? But it made no sense. Stephen had not been in the bedroom at all from the moment they had entered the apartment. So the careless throw and the chip must have happened before.

He shrugged. If the guy was in some sort of break from a rocky relationship, it was not his place to judge. And they were just hooking up, anyway. 

“Let me,” Stephen grabbed one condom from his hand and the lube. “Wow, looks like someone has big plans,” he added, eyeing Hans’s hand still filled with condoms.

“It never hurts to be prepared. You never know when ...”

“...you need one extra,” Stephen said at the same time with him.

Was this guy his long-forgotten twin? Too bad Hans was not big on soap operas. Such a fantasy would have added an unexpected twist to the whole affair. But no. Prosaic as it might have sounded, they were just on the same wavelength.

Yes, definitely, he hissed in pleasure, as Stephen used his mouth to roll down the condom. And, after that, without being said anything, Stephen just put himself on his fours and began fingering his lovely hole with plenty of lube to make it slick.

Hans hurried to stand behind Stephen. Was he really doing it with a guy who belonged to another? That was not usually his cup of tea. But Stephen looked way too nice, his knees spread wide, the curve of his ass enticing Hans to grab hold of him, and his hole clearly twitching in expectation.

Making a lovely opening such as that wait because he had some sort of moral hang-up was not a good idea. Hans groaned as he pushed slowly into slick heat, and his cock was soon buried deep in a round, beautiful ass. If he was to listen, Stephen was just as appreciative of his smooth entrance.

He grabbed a good hold of the slender waist. Whoever the guy’s boyfriend was, he was stupid for letting this go, if they were on a break or something.

“Perfect,” he said appreciatively and slapped the man’s behind with glee.

In response, the guy clenched his ass a few times, making him grunt with heightened pleasure.

“Do you like this, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice a little strung out, just like him.

Stephen jerked and moaned as Hans slapped the neglected buttock playfully. 

“Yes, please,” Stephen demanded politely.

Klaus would have been at his throat if he had ever dared to lay a finger on his ass. That man was so strict with the no bottoming act that he could not stand anything to come near that part of him. Spanking, even playfully, had been definitely out of the question. So, it was most delightful just to land hit after playful hit on that perfect behind, making sure not to strike on the same area two times in a row.

The view of a reddened behind, as well as the tremor and clenching that was making his cock feel like it was on a one way trip to heaven, made him come undone. Hans felt like he was coming for ages, wave after wave, making the man’s body shake with each thrust.

When he withdrew and collapsed on the bed, he was panting and gasping for air. 

“May I come on you?” Stephen asked sweetly, as he straightened up and looked at Hans with a tiny bit of apprehension. “Where?” 

Hans sneaked one hand between the guy’s legs and took hold of his balls.

“Go ahead, surprise me,” he encouraged the other.

Stephen’s hand was frantic as he jerked off. Soon, he began spurting long waves of white all over Hans’s chest.


Yeah, it didn’t hurt to have one extra, Hans mused, as he rolled what had to be the third condom down his hardened length and pushed Stephen back into the bed, taking him missionary style, this time. There was definite satisfaction in penetrating the man like this, each thrust ample and well prepared. Just looking at that beautiful face in ecstasy was making him groan in new found pleasure. It was like Stephen’s next breath depended on Hans pushing swiftly into him. 

“Are you always this hot, sweetheart?” he asked as he began to speed up his hammering.

“Only with the right guy,” Stephen answered and licked some of the sweat gathered on his upper lip.

“Nice way to flatter a man’s ego,” Hans whispered.

Not as nice as seeing the guy jerking off. Or the way Stephen looked at his own cock started to spurt while being fucked in the ass, like he could not believe that was happening.

He could not resist the temptation. He pulled out so he could get rid of the condom and began spraying all over the lithe body still trembling from its recent release. Stephen opened his mouth as if he wanted to catch some of the droplets flying everywhere. Hans was starting to wonder whether some strange valve had opened inside him and now he could not stop coming.

Stephen’s face was an erotic still, his arched lips parted, his eyes fluttering shut, a thin layer of sweat making his complexion glow. Hans dropped by his side.

“Fuck,” he whispered. “That was, hands down, the best fuck I’ve had in ages.”

“Same here,” Stephen replied.

Hans opened his mouth, then quickly decided to keep it shut. He was not going to ask the guy about his boyfriend, and how come that guy wasn’t the one to fuck Stephen into the mattress right now. It was not his business, and this was nothing but a one-night-stand anyway. Which meant he had to move his ass soon. It was getting late anyway, and he had to get back home and sleep in his own bed. Damn, if only the bed hadn’t been so comfy, and the man next to him so fuckable. He wasn’t ready for another round, not right now. But later, maybe he would not have minded.

“Spend the night,” Stephen turned to face him. “It’s barely mid-evening, and it would not be called a one-night-stand if you hadn’t spent the night, right?”

Hans loved the man’s logic. And his bed. And his body. A cool hand caressed his cheek, and he drifted off to sleep.


What woke him up was the sound of what seemed to be a busy kitchen. He pushed himself up and, for a couple of seconds, he wondered where the hell he was. It didn’t take him long to remember. God, he hadn’t slept so well in forever. He had to ask Stephen what kind of mattress he was using.

The door to the bedroom opened, and he was regaled with the sight of a fairly ruffled man who wore nothing but a loose shirt.

“Pancakes?” Stephen smiled at him.

“Sure, but let me find my pants, first.”

“I’ll agree with the pants, but don’t wear anything else,” Stephen said, and a mischievous smile lit up his face.

“You like staring at my pecs, admit it,” Hans joked.

“They’re just how I like them. And they’re so good to hold on to, while, you know, riding.”

“Hmm, that is a position we haven’t exactly tried,” Hans grinned. “How would you know they’re good, then?”

“Call it intuition, darling,” Stephen cooed. “Freshen up and come have breakfast.”

While brushing his teeth with the complimentary supplies he found neatly ordered on the sink, Hans wondered why he wasn’t spooked at all by the domestic flair of the whole deal. It was like he and Stephen had known each other for a decade, and not since yesterday. 

A conviction that came to be only more deepened as he sat on the kitchen chair and stared at his plate.

“Blueberry jam? Are you kidding me?” Hans murmured.

“Are you allergic?” Stephen asked, alarmed.

“No, quite the other way. It’s my favorite. Wait, are people allergic to blueberry jam these days?”

“I have no idea,” Stephen shrugged with a deadpan expression on his face.

Hans burst into laughter and then took a bite out of his pancake.

“Damn, sweetheart, do you happen to double as a pancake master in your spare time? These are simply delicious!”

“I’m glad you like them,” Stephen said brightly, and, for a second, a small cloud passed over his face.

“Something wrong?” Hans asked. “Do you have to be at work? I promise I’ll make myself scarce right away.”


The hand on his forearm was a bit too tight. Stephen seemed to think the same thing because he withdrew it hastily.

“Actually, until 10, I have no obligations.”

“So you woke up to make me pancakes just because of your strong sense of duty?” Hans joked, to clear the air a little.

“I thought you might want to be on your way.”

Hans wanted nothing else less. It was way too nice, sitting in the homey kitchen, eating pancakes, and sharing conversation with a handsome man he had just happened to fuck. Thrice.

“And I didn’t want to let you go on an empty stomach,” Stephen added with a shrug, seemingly unaware of Hans’s intense stare.

“So thoughtful of you,” Hans chuckled. “How about not letting me go on a full dick, either?” 

Stephen’s eyes widened and then crinkled with amusement.

“Sorry for the bad joke,” Hans spoke. “You seemed down.”

“But I am,” Stephen joked. “Totally down with your proposition.”

Was the guy serious? Yeah, apparently so, as Stephen sauntered away and quickly came back with a condom and a determined look on his face. Hans didn’t bother with undressing completely, and just let his pants drop around his ankles. Stephen was not keen on extra preparations, either as he just fell to his knees and began sucking Hans’s dick in earnest, looking up now and then as if he needed to assure himself he was doing the right thing.

Hans grunted in pleasure and grabbed the edge of his seat, to refrain from just grabbing the guy by the nape and fuck his gorgeous mouth fast and hard. Stephen had perfect timing, letting go of his precious lollipop and quickly rolling down the condom.

As soon as he was buried in burning heat again, Hans let go of the chair, just to place his hands on the guy’s lean waist. The loose shirt was revealing a smooth shoulder and Hans bit hard. Stephen was the most delicious thing he had tasted in a very long time.

And he was a damn good rider.

“Are you into riding ponies, sweetheart?” Hans joked, but his voice was strained just like every fiber of muscle in his body. “Because you’re doing a helluva job.”

The chair was trembling with each of Stephen’s moves, but Hans could not care less.

“Your neighbors down below must think you’re moving furniture,” he teased, and Stephen giggled through his moans.

“They’re selling. No one is there.”

“Good then,” Hans helped the man up and then slammed him hard onto his cock, with no fear of consequences or scandalized neighbors trying to bring down the door.

Stephen was rubbing his own cock, while one hand rested against Hans’s chest, cupping the firm pecs and squeezing from time to time. They came almost at the same time, Stephen spraying his release all over Hans’s chest and abdomen, and Hans into the rubber.

He didn’t let go. Gathering the man in his arms, he began kissing him. Slowly, satiated, but long and in earnest. Eventually, Stephen rested his forehead against Hans’s shoulder.

“Say, Stephen, how would you feel about grabbing some drinks together this evening?” he asked, as the ebbs of his high died down.

“I thought you would never ask,” Stephen mumbled.

“Quite the contrary, darling. There is nothing I want more but a repeat performance.”

Stephen straightened up slowly.

“Would that lead to a second one night stand?”

“I sure hope so,” Hans shrugged and caressed the man’s cheek slowly. “Unless, of course, you have other obligations.”

“No, it’s perfect,” Stephen smiled, and this time he got up. “Let me help you with that,” he added and removed the full condom from Hans’s cock.

“Full service, I like it,” Hans joked. “I’ll call you later to agree on a place.”

“Sure thing,” Stephen leaned in and brushed his lips against Hans’s mouth.




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