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There's a lot of bad stuff and bickering going on.  I decided to highlight something good by accepting an invitation to a Code.org event highlighting computer science education.  Please don't confuse the message of this video to me aligning myself to anyone politically.  I'm simply trying to demonstrate that the two sides can work together to do good things, even amongst the disagreement.  I'll explain more about this in a follow up post, but I have to run in to work at the moment!  Thank you for supporting Smarter Every Day on Patreon.  I'm trying to use it to make the world better, and maybe influence those in high places to be more constructive.




$500 MILLION DOLLARS - Smarter Every Day 179

Bickering stinks. Let’s do something good instead. Click here to sign up your school: at https://code.org/yourschool Also use this: https://code.org/help No one paid me to make this. I just think it’s a good idea. $200M The Presidential Memorandum: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/09/25/memorandum-secretary-education $300M From Industry: https://medium.com/@codeorg/american-companies-fund-300m-in-largest-joint-effort-for-k-12-computer-science-763a33639818 Click here if you're interested in subscribing: http://bit.ly/Subscribe2SED ⇊ Click below for more links! ⇊ This is the event I went to: https://twitter.com/IvankaTrump/status/912749795235782658 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GET SMARTER SECTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tweet Ideas to me at: http://twitter.com/smartereveryday I'm "ilikerockets" on Snapchat. Snap Code: http://i.imgur.com/7DGfEpR.png Smarter Every Day on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SmarterEveryDay Smarter Every Day on Patreon http://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday Smarter Every Day On Instagram http://www.instagram.com/smartereveryday Smarter Every Day SubReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/smartereveryday Ambiance and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery did the outro music the video. http://ashellinthepit.bandcamp.com/ The thought is it my efforts making videos will help educate the world as a whole, and one day generate enough revenue to pay for my kids college education. Until then if you appreciate what you've learned in this video and the effort that went in to it, please SHARE THE VIDEO! If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars Smarter Every Day by becoming a Patron. http://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday Warm Regards, Destin



Thanks Destin. The message here is a great one: Just because you disagree with someone, politically or otherwise, doesn't mean you can't work together! Thanks for using your position to decrease worldsuck.


This is awesome Destin! Being a software engineer and a teacher, I too strongly believe that it will be this generation that will be coding modules and programs for our trip to Mars! I often tell my students that programming has become a fundamental skill to learn just as cycling, swimming etc. Brilliantly edited video and loved your thoughts about the future where people listen to each other despite a few differences! The world is getting smarter and better everyday! Cheers, Vidu P.S. Love what you're doing but please do get some sleep as your eyes look swollen/tired and it's almost 2 in the night! :P :D


Don't abandon blowing things up in slow motion :), but some of your best posts have been on finding ways to work together. Praying that you and your family are well!


Destin, keep doing what you're doing! All of it. I am a volunteer Educational Counsellor doing admission interviews for MIT. Every time I interact with these high school seniors, it is uplifting and reminds me of the potential for good we have in our country and the world. Thank you for being on the side of positive progress.


Interesting. Not a fan of this one, but keep up the good work and keep making videos that you are passionate about!


There’s nothing but a chock full of inspiration in this important message. Exactly what our echo-chamber centric society needs to hear. A bright future awaits us all.

Logan West

Thanks for the video Destin, I agree: people are much more complicated than "right" and "left" and whether we disagree with specific viewpoints, let's all at least respect one another!


Do you know if any of the money will also go to help students with disabilities? Just wondering. Thanks.


Loved it Destin! Thank you for what you do.


Holy smokes! You actually featured public figures that polarizes most of Americans and created a call to action to further better our society. How is this possible?! We need more Smarter Every Day than sensationalist media (to no fault of their own... they make mad $ off of division and fighting). 😮 RIGHT ON, DUDE! 😎🔥👍🏻


Hi Destin, thank you. This provides a better sense of what can happen in your country for me here in Australia. With the current divide in the US, I'm thrilled for this initiative. Jokingly, is your choice of shirt / cap colour a subliminal message? Ha ha. Cheers

Austin Burnham

Thank you for this video. I appreciate the commentary about working together. I sincerely feel the biggest problem in this country (USA) is tribalism. Most of the problems we have are either caused by it or aren’t fixed because of it. We need fewer people yelling about why others are wrong, and more people willing to set aside differences and work with those who have different beliefs than them. There are issues I feel very strongly about, but I always strive to understand the motivation of those that disagree with me, and their desire to make the world better. You’re a hard worker. Recording until almost three in the morning? As a computer programmer myself, I’m also excited for the coding initiative. A friend of my brother introduced me to programming when I was 12, and I am so grateful he did. Even those who aren’t going to work in the tech industry or as a programmer can benefit from computer science. Computers will continue to be more prevalent in our lives, and a sound understanding of how they work and how to control them will be invaluable to people in almost all walks of life. Thanks again for this video. This is something I’m glad to support.


The Trumps keep trying to kill me so I'm out.


Oh gosh, I love the video but what the heck is going on with your camera? In all of your home office shots, the background is rapidly going in and out of focus. Am I the only one who sees this?


Agreed with Nick, your camera had some issues with backgrounds


Thanks Destin, great video. I've watched you for years and I bet there's some things we'd disagree on, but I bet we'd have a blast together and could figure out how to make things better in our country and world. This is a message people need to hear. Keep on keepin' on.

Matthew Caron

Computer Engineering is a good choice too.