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Good evening!

First of all, I want to wish you all a happy holiday season and a happy new year! 🎆

2024 is just around the corner, even though it feels like 2023 just started (to me, at least). Last year, I made it my personal goal to completely overhaul most of my texture packs, and substantially increase the quality of my work before the end of 2023, and I'm pleased to say I believe I've come closer than I expected to reaching that goal. There are still some huge updates coming soon (OOT, MM and TP overhauls are currently in the works), so even though I didn't manage to overhaul them all in 2023, I'm still happy with this achievement.

There are some changes coming in 2024 to the way I release new texture pack updates, however. Starting with the next update (releasing on January 1st), I will no longer force myself to upload an update every single month.

There are several reasons for this, with the primary reason being the toll it has taken on my physical and mental well-being. In previous years, each update was kept relatively small, which made it possible for me to release an update monthly. However, as the scope and quality of each update increased from version to version, I've reached a point where it is simply no longer sustainable for me to continue releasing updates at this rate, without severely risking burning myself out.

Another reason, which I also believe is important, is that I really want to continue releasing high quality updates without feeling the need to rush and potentially release a half-baked or unfinished update just to meet a set deadline. Increasing the time between updates means I can spend more time on each update, spending more time on each texture and adding more features, as well as testing things more thoroughly to ensure there are fewer bugs or issues.

And lastly, I have also had to split my time a lot more this year due to new (not yet announced) projects, which I am working on part time as well. I am incredibly excited to finally showcase these projects when they are ready to be shown, and removing the set schedule of one update every month will allow me to achieve a better balance between working on these projects and making textures.

I sincerely hope you understand my reasoning for this change. To compensate for the reduced frequency of updates to all of you who donate to me here on Patreon, I will try my absolute hardest to release even bigger and better updates than before. I will also be extending the donor-exclusivity time from one month up to two months as well. This means that Green Rupee++ donors or higher will receive early access to updates up to two months in advance, instead of just one month. I will also be releasing more behind-the-scenes information about upcoming updates, both here on Patreon, Discord and more showcase videos on YouTube, to keep you informed about upcoming changes, and so that I can receive early feedback regarding decisions so I can make requested and necessary changes before updates get released.

I fully understand if this is not what you signed up for when you joined my Patreon. If this change in scheduling bothers you, then by all means, feel free to unsubscribe. Either way, I appreciate your support greatly.

Like always, this is all possible because of you, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for letting me do what I love.


- Henriko



Hey Henricko, Your health comes first. Definitely take the time you need with each update. Creating texture packs is no easy task so please don't feel the need to post every month. We fans are eternally grateful for the updates you have been giving us so far. Can't wait to see future content from you in 2024. You put alot of dedication and hardwork into these textures and they have undeniably become my favourite ways to play older games. My favourite personally is your A Link Between Worlds one. Wishing you a happy holidays and great new year ahead! Cheers friend! :)


I actually really like this change, 2 months prior release is more incentive to subscribe. Plus burnout is no joke, standing ovation to you this year for making it till the end, great job!!! 🧍‍♂️👏👏👏


I only check in once in a while, and above all else I value the quality of your work. Unlike youtube which requires regular updates to keep viewership, I just want you to work your magic at your own pace, and hope you are comfortable. The progress you made every time I logged in was incredible, and occasionally a chore to keep my versions up-to-date. Kudos!


I check on your projects from time to time, since I've been enjoying your work for a while. This kind of transparency is great to see--and a great reminder for everyone that all creatives are human, with their own limitations and boundaries. And I say that as a self-taught artist, writer, and photographer myself. It's awesome to see how much progress you've made, but I echo everyone's sentiments here that your well-being comes first, bar none. Honestly, more time in between updates will make them that much more meaningful imo. P.S.: We've spoken before, and I've also been a Patron in the past. I had to cancel my membership due to things getting rough on my end, but now I'm in a good place again and things stand to get even better from here, so I once again have the room to support you! Although I miss being in the fabulous Purple Rupee Club, Ganondorf is a badass dude to stand with lol. So hopefully my little piece of the Triforce of Power can help you out from here~

Akeem Nermo

Absolutely don’t burn yourself out! Take care of your health.