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Update 2024-04-04: Another patch, 1.9.0c, has been released. From this version onward, all 3DS texture packs will no longer include emulators. You will need to provide your own emulator from this point onward (it's still easy, don't worry)

Update 2024-01-01: Another fix, 1.9.0b, has been released to address an issue where the 60 FPS version would not start correctly.

Update 2023-11-10: A  small fix, 1.9.0a, has been released to fix an issue where chests would not display correctly on the 1080p version!

Good evening!🎃

Today marks the release of yet another major update to the Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 4K texture pack! Version 1.9.0 includes 120+ new textures covering the UI, environment, characters, enemies and effects. This time focusing primarily on the Fire Temple, Gerudo Valley, Zora River and Adult Time Castle Town, as well as several of the surrounding areas. The update has many other improvements as well- Check out the full changelog down below!

This was posted in the previous updates' post as well, but as a reminder (or if this is your first time using the Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 4K texture pack), Here are the default key bindings for using the bottom screen with your controller;

  • D-Pad Up: Free Cam (First Person View)

  • D-Pad Left: Ocarina

  • D-Pad Right: Item Slot 1

  • D-Pad Down: Item Slot 2

  • Select: Items Menu

  • Left Joystick Button: Gear

  • Right Joystick Button: Map

You may need to set these bindings again on your own controller in case the emulator does not recognize it automatically. Simply double click the input button for each respective button and press the corresponding button on your controller and you should be good to go! See this video for detailed instructions on how to set everything up!

This should make the game much more enjoyable, especially if you're playing on a TV where you definitely don't want to be switching around between different controllers mid-action.

120+ New Textures!

This update includes over 120 new 4K textures! This includes environment textures such as stone boulders, water, cliff walls, stone tiles, lava, stone bricks, gravel, doors, rope bridges etc. Almost all of the Fire Temple, Zora River and Gerudo Valley have also been re-textured from scratch. New foliage textures such as new textures for plants and dead grass in Gerudo Valley, as well as spicy new 4K particle effects for things like dust, fire and explosions. There are tons of miscellaneous textures as well that have been completely remade, such as window panes, the Ocarina of Time (it's in the name after all!), bottles, Zelda's letter, Deku Nuts and many more. Like in previous updates, it helps it all comes together really nicely and makes the whole pack feel a lot more polished and complete. The details all add up!

Completely remade shaders presets and compatibility improvements!

The included post processing presets have been completely remade from scratch to look even better than before. This also includes fixes for the depth buffer being offset, which resulted in strange artifacts around the edges of objects when depth buffer effects, such as MXAO or DoF where used in previous versions. It also fixes the flickering that sometimes would occur when depth buffer effects were applied. These changes should bring improved stability and performance as well!

More Japanese translation textures thanks to work by "LINK"

Tomoki Sato (a user who goes by the name "LINK") has generously been helping with translating most of the UI textures over to Japanese! The first batch covering most of the textures has been added in this update, with more getting included in future releases. Please follow them on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/LINK_genkaiya

Updated and improved 4K UI Overlay Utility

The optional 4K UI Overlay Utility now supports 1440p, and has been improved in several ways. It lets you display most of the important UI elements, such as health, magic and which items you have equipped on the top screen. Making for a much nicer single screen experience! You can download it from the link below the regular download link for the texture pack!

And many bugs fixes, optimizations and minor changes...

Minor issues from the previous version has been fixed. Performance has also been marginally improved due to further optimizations. This should lead to a more polished and overall enjoyable experience for everyone using the texture pack.

And like before; Glorious 60 FPS! (Still in beta though, so read carefully!)

Re-post from previous updates:

The 60 FPS patch is a first-time feature for Ocarina of Time 3D, and makes the game display in a buttery smooth 60 frames per second instead of the usual 30. This makes the game not just nicer to look at, but also makes it more responsive and reduces input lag. However, this feature is still in beta and has a several bugs with workarounds (you need to perform some special actions in certain instances to avoid the game from softlocking, for example. Instructions and more information is provided with the download!) Since the 60 FPS mode isn't quite ready for prime time yet, it's included as an optional special version which you can use if you're feeling adventurous (and don't mind doing a little bit of manual work!) The instructions are, like stated previously, included with the download. Have fun! :]

Selecting your game region (if you're using the PAL/European or Japanese version of the game);

All you need to do now, if you're using the European version of Ocarina of Time 3D, click the "Run this if you're using the PAL (European) version of the game.bat" file inside the texture pack folder. Done! It'll now work great with your version of the game. Easy, right?

How to enable MXAO (ambient occlusion) & DoF (Depth of Field):

This means you can now experience glorious self shadowing around objects, which looks really great with OOT's fantasy art style. Try it out by doing the following:

* Set your game view to "Single" in the emulator.

* Enter fullscreen in the emulator.

* Press the "8" key on your keyboard, this will bring up the ReShade UI.

* Check the "MXAO" box in the list of effects.

* Go to the "Addons" tab in ReShade and check the box next to the depth buffer in the list with the highest value (it should be a very high number while all others are 0). This number will change constantly, but don't worry it's supposed to do that!

* You're done. Have fun!


The update is available to all you Patrons here, with a public release in 1 month weeks from when this post was published!

There is also a 4K version available, if your computer can handle it! The 4K version includes higher quality textures than the 1080p version, and will work on all displays- even those that don't display in 4K resolution. It will still look better than the 1080p version, no matter the display!

Please feel free to try it out!

(Only available for emulators, the texture pack does not work on real 3DS consoles).

You can find more information about my HD texture pack here.

Download it here!

Download the 4K UI Overlay Pack here (Version 1.2a, it now supports 1440p!)

I am only able to make things like this thanks to your support, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me do what I love!





Thanks for all the love and time you put into these releases 👍🏼.


Thanks henriko a great release again in this beautiful game


So it still works with the free cam mod right


In game the second screen has a pink background underneath the icons like it's missing textures or something


uhm... user > load > empty there is nothing here, no textures! where are the new textures?


Hello, I do not have an image handy, but I used the latest v1.9.0 patch and have run the PAL conversion for my PAL OOT 3DS copy. While playing through Dodongo's Cavern all chests are black in colour with white spots. I have not reached any other dungeon yet in this save file so this might be occuring in the next dungeons also. Just a heads up for a future patch. Thank you for your awesome work!


Hi Tetik! The load folder is not actually empty, but the "textures" folder inside it is hidden by default. If you enable "Show Hidden Files" in the Windows Explorer Preferences you should be able to see the textures folder and the textures inside it


Hi Panatiotis! This definitely sounds like a bug. I will look into it and upload a patch as soon as possible to fix the issue. Thanks for letting me know!


Hi, I run the game with 60fps exe but I get error "Code execution cannot continue because libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll was not found" please help me :(


One thing I would love to see Henricko is a ui pack. Especially when am trying to play on steam deck at 3x native resolution have noticed when talking to NPCs the font is quite oldern. If there is a way to update the font like what you did for Majoras Mask 3D and A Link Between World dialog fonts when talking to NPCs that would be great! :). Other than that I love your work!


I am not able to load ocarina of time in regular steam os on my steam deck. I am able to load it in Linux and it runs but I can't play it in hand held mode. After it unpacks the shaders it freezes and crashes. All of the others work perfectly fine ( amazing work btw!) "You seem to be using gamescope gamescope-Wayland (×11) appreciate the help!


I figured it if anyone else runs into this problem what fixed mine was switch everything that said global in configure I just switched it to 3x native loaded it back up and it run beautifully!


Hey idk what it is but I got a problem, because it wont even run it when I start it. I thought the performance of my laptop was the problem, but when I start OoT usually on citra it runs good at very close to 30fps at 6x native res. But with the given texture pack it wont even start, as it immediately crashes when trying to open OoT. Any reasons this could be?


Hi henriko, when I download the zip and unzip it there is no ocarina of time 4k.exe to execute, and even if I click on the citra that are hidden nothing runs. Is there something wrong?


i cant get the newer textures to apply plz reach out nd help


Sorry for the late reply! If you're still experiencing this issue, check if your anti virus software (or the built in one in Windows) has tagged it as malware for some reason, that might be deleting the file as soon as it's unzipped. (Rest assured it's not actually malware, it can produce false positives because the .exe is not signed. The source code is available on GitHub!)

Krikor Ghazal

Hi Henriko, is it possible to use your textures with Ship of Harkinian? I think it needs to be on OTR format?


The pack currently isn't compatible with SoH or the N64 version in general, you can read more about why that is on the texture pack info page here: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-4k

Tyler Tamburino

Looks awesome, the only nitpick I had was that the lava looks low resolution


is it possible to use the right antilog stick for camera control?


You should include the little jpeg images or whatever icons, so people can customize their emulators like you've been doing


Good idea! Also, you can use a free tool called "ResourceHacker" to easily replace icons on any programs you want (the site looks shady, but the tool is clean and works well): https://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/

Ryan McNamara

So with the new patch I definitely don't mind providing my own emulator.. But I was following one of your older videos for getting the 60fps working (first time) and all that seems to be missing too? Since it looks like in the video you packed your own version of Citra, I assume that has something to do with the patch. Are there any instructions for us to get 60fps working on our own provided emulators, or any optimal configurations you ran?

Esteban Fallas

I have just downloaded the Texture pack and looks incredible, but I was unable to find a folder including 60 fps patch, so where can I find it? I was using this tutorials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKr8TzOj1mo


The 60 fps patch has been removed for various reasons (primarily it was very buggy and caused frequent crashes and softlocks). Until a better version has been made, it will no longer be included by default. Sorry!

Jeff Johnson

Just joined and am using OOT 4K pack 1.9c with the free cam mod you linked above. When I get to the Hyrule Castle courtyard the camera is locked into a zoomed in angled overhead view that won't show me enough of the area to allow me to get through. I've tried with 1.9b first with the included version of Citra and with the latest available nightly version of Citra. Same results. Any way around this? The graphics look fabulous. Thanks.

Jeff Johnson

I was able to get past that part by removing the camera mod, restarting the emulator, loading an in game save (not a saved state) running out to the castle and talking to Zelda. Then another in game save after leaving the castle. Started the emulator again after replacing the camera mod files and then going from there.


I downloaded the 4K pack and it is in spanish and there is no exe files...


lo acabo de descaragar pero lo extraigo y no viene el emulador que tengo hacer