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Surprise! It's the new hyena, lol. :D 

I know I had intended to have this animation be a little "send off" to the old hyena, but I felt like, with how broken that model is, it would have been too much of an effort to create an animation like this using him. Plus, his lower fidelity didn't look great when sandwiched between the two foxes.

Also, I don't normally do interior scenes like this, but I wanted to have a bed in the scene, and mainly I wanted to try out having the light filtering through the slats of a curtain. I'm intending to spiff up this interior a little for the full release, though.

I'm sorry it's taken this long to get up a few images for this, but it's proven to be a much bigger endeavor than I anticipated -- as a lot of my animations are, haha. I THINK I'm finally getting the hang of things, though I know I say that a lot, lol.

In addition to these stills, I also have a preview loop of the animation that I'm intending to put up in a couple days. It's still looking like around the middle of October for the animation's full release, though I'm not sure how I'm going to do exclusive angles for this one; it might have to be like "The Switcheroo" with the different angles being inserted into different parts of the animation, as the more dynamic nature of this animation doesn't easily lend itself to static angles.

As for the usual animation poll, I might have to forgo it for this month, as there's a couple ideas from former polls that I want to pursue, once this animation is finished. It'll be worth it, I promise!

That's all for now! Thanks for reading :D



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