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Hey everyone! It's getting time for an update again, haha. So the last time I was here, I had posted previews of the new hyena model, and the poll for the next animation had wrapped up.

A hyena on a bed getting double-teamed by two foxes was the winner, and I've been working on that the past few weeks. Unfortunately there was some IRL stuff which cropped up unexpectedly, and I ended up stalled for about a week.

Even then, I have most of the animation done; I just need to fix up some errors, add in facial expressions, those sorts of things. The absolute worst-case scenario will be that this animation releases in the middle of next month, though I'd prefer to have it done much sooner. It's definitely clear that I have some time management issues on these things, haha.

And speaking on that, it's probably about time that I officially announce the cancellation of one of my older animations. The last update on the "A Fox in the Woods" animation was back in April, five months ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fox-animation-64843086

This was two months after it had been originally announced.

Unfortunately the animation ended up being a victim of "scope creep", and the more I worked on it the more it became clear that I didn't have the knowledge or the ability to be able to successfully complete it. There are aspects of Blender, such as the NLA editor, that I know much more about now than I did then, and yet still do not fully understand. So the more I tried to work on it, the more the animation felt like a lost cause.

Anyway, I'm sorry to anyone who might have been holding out for that animation in particular, as up until this recent decision, it had always seemed like I could go back in and keep working on it. Even now, announcing its cancellation, I'm like "but maybe?" Lol. Honestly, it IS an animation that I want to do: A fox in the woods finding a cave full of tentacles. What's not to love about that?

But I also know it's way too large a project for me to pursue at the moment, trying to balance monthly releases with an IRL job, and that if I was working on it, nothing else would get done for a long time.

Maybe at some point in the future, once I've gotten better with Blender, I can go back in and finish that animation. But for the time being, I have to put it aside in the interest of completing other projects.

So, again, apologies to anyone who was waiting for that animation.

But this thread shouldn't end on a down note!

Although I had said that the hyena and foxes animation wouldn't likely release until the middle of next month, I'm going to be posting a loop of the first part of it toward the beginning of the month, so stay tuned for that.

That's all for now. I'll be back in a few days with an update regarding the newest animation, and I'm hoping to have some preview stills of it ready to post soon as well.

Thanks for reading. :D



Maybe you should make the fox in the woods animation a far out goal? It might very well turn out you make enough money on this to do it full time

Tilik Kanoma

Foxes and yeens. Hot, I'm excited