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Hi again! Got a couple preview screenshots of my next animation. I did some work on the sky in this one. As I couldn't get the HDRI I was using looking right, I ended up using Blender's default "Nishita" sky, along with some clouds I ended up making procedurally. 

In addition to the sky, I went procedural with the ground as well, using noise textures to create a ground with displacement over it. I know it doesn't really look realistic, but considering how easy it was to make said textures, I'm pretty happy with the results!

I've also updated the Patreon tiers with the extra rewards I mentioned in the last poll, and starting next month I'll be able to begin implementing them. And again, thanks for all the support. :D




Oh my god I think this is your best day time shot yet (really preferred your darker ones up till now) this is hot.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eshOzshjt90 you should take a look at this tutorial, I feel like a little grass like this could really make the scene look real


Thanks for the link! ^^ Yeah I've been messing around with grass. It's tricky, having a balance between it looking good and not being too performance intensive. The hyena's fur is a particle system that already adds a lot of render time, and grass would have even more of an impact. I think that video is a good approach, using bigger clumps so you can have more coverage with less particles. I'm definitely going to add some for the final render. :3


The only reason I don't do what you do is BECAUSE of hair particle systems. Trying to make my hair systems look as good as yours took so much rendering time i gave up. Instead I give you money to do what I wanted to do. Anyway, glebs tutorials are great, they are straight and to the point.