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I've corrected a few bugs, and updated the build that I released a few days ago.  

I'm going to delete that post, but don't worry, I HAVE saved the comments and feedback!

Fixed for this build:

Sexing goblins SHOULD no longer result in falling through the world.  I don't know why it happens, but I found a fix that seems to stop it from happening to me at all.

Spamming the cast button should no longer make a mess of things.  

Energy Disc should cast a little faster.

Push spell now always pushes enemies directly away from Meridiana, and it costs a bit less.

If you don't want to download another copy so quickly I understand, but if you do, please let me know if this helps at all with the combat stuff.

64 bit version:


32 bit version:




Nice man for fixing so of the bugs keep up the good work. We will the game be released approximately ?


i had a series of bug i wanted to report, does it seems right to deliver them here or in the discord?


I tried the demo again, but this time with the intent to kill all enemies instead of using the sneak and seduce. One thing that immediately felt unnatural is that you have to hold down left click to aim a spell. Holding down right click would be more intuitive, and it would allow you to quickly cast spells while aiming, instead of having to release the button to then hold it down again. Some sort of lock-on would do wonders I think. There seems to be something like that in place already, but it doesn't really work most of the time. Especially with the small goblins the energy disks just go right over their heads. I haven't found a good way to strafe left and right when fighting enemies. Apart from the camera controls, you are immobile when aiming a spell. This makes the combat quite clunky. Having to run away from an enemy, which is already quite hard to do, to then turn around, aim your spell, and hit them is quite tedious. And most of the time the enemy will just catch up and stun you in one hit anyway. Selecting spells with 1-4 works fine out of combat, when moving is not so important, but in combat it's not ideal. Instead, I would love to see the ability to change spells with the scroll wheel. For now the scroll wheel zooms the camera in and out, but perhaps that could be accomplished with the arrows instead. Or just have it control the camera when no enemies are aware of Meridiana. Spamming the cast button works much better now in comparison with yesterday's build. Good job with that. Falling through the world when initiating sex with the goblins also seems to be fixed. One minor nitpick is that you can teleport on top of the tutorial messages, which can get annoying if you want to skip them by teleporting past them. Some other things that I have noticed and that are also present in previous builds: - The buttons in the pause screen are glitched. Options, Quit Game, and the Back button in the options screen specifically. See <a href="http://i.imgur.com/1KtM5h0.jpg." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/1KtM5h0.jpg.</a> - Sometimes the targeting "preview" for the teleport spell does not appear when holding down E.


hey guys


i am new to this and need help with game play please help


Honestly the only feedback I can give this time is that the lighting makes it very difficult to do much of anything. I gave up on trying to play it very shortly after crossing the bridge. The best lighting build you've done so far in the current environment was the November 2016 release.


1. Ranged and in-combat charm is what I was missing in previous versions! However that stealth/melee charm spell was super cute with nice animation. Would be great if it can be combined in either way (keep 2 types or finish ranged with a kiss). 2. Also, killing mobs with sex instantly is not fun. I used to wake up them few times with big gravy-ball (i'd preffer using charming for such purpose) in 1 March version, but now they just die. Also there was funny erection during 2nd charming and they were runing naked after first sex. Now it's removed :( 3. Not sure if intended, but close mobs don't have red glow now, "F" button does not work - it was very handy to locate enemy in dark forest. 4. Btw, everything is too dark... 5. And succubus/flower/biggoblin animations lock input for too long, still can't skip. 6. Btw2 flower animation uses static clothing which is not even on the map anymore. 7. Ah, and there is some problem with preventing seduced mob from attacking current target. Still testing why, but they often rush to the mob I charm. They even keep fighting after the 2nd mob is seduced. 8. Switching video mode with Alt-Enter breaks checkbox logic in the options. 9. Previously corps were moving under my foots (was funny though). It's fixed now. However seduced mobs still move corps!


Everythings seems good but I concur with Biasha ^^^ the area is far too dark, and not having a red glow around mobs makes it impossible to see what you're doin'


First of, this newest patch helps a lot. The wind disc is far less frustrating to use than it was in the previous patch; well done for a quick improvement! Sex scenes didn't bug as much for me this time around either for some reason, so having a way to refill health/"magic power" helped too. However, I think the biggest upgrade would be to have spells be cast in the direction your camera is facing (middle of screen) instead of the direction the character is facing. This would allow you to run away from enemies, and cast the Push spell when you have enough stamina. Right now, you have to run away, then turn to face the enemy, then click the button. By reflex, I'm always skipping the "turn around" step. It also makes casting wind blades in close combat very clunky. I think that the "attack in the direction your camera is facing" works great for melee combat, but "attack in the direction of your camera" works better for ranged combat, and this game is very much ranged-combat-oriented. Do note that I'm far more used to play my action games with a controller so part of my issue is my lack of mouse experience for games like these. I just noticed the game actually support controllers! Holy ****! Can't change spells from what I can see, but besides that it works great. I'm faring a bit better for the "turn before shooting" with a controller, but it's still not the smoothest feeling in the world and I still think the aiming change would be a good idea (I'm not a game designer though, so take this with a grain of salt :)). Also, while clumsy is not a good feeling for a player, this is primarly going to be a stealth game right? If so, I admit it might also be a problem if eventually the player can mow down hordes of alerted enemies...


Well, I should have read the other comments before taking the time to write mine: your post matches my own feelings extremely well, especially on the control front. Kudos for the post! :)


pledged to you because of what greatness i seen in the public version. JUST played your most recent build and God all mighty titties! Not just the graphics but the mechanics you have set up for the spells is very original and actually really fun to use. The formal in spells is neat. Well friggin done there. With the animations seen during sex scenes are smooth and down right lovely not to mention that little cut scene with the plant. Forgive me for fan boying over your work but it has been some time since i seen a great 3d adult based game that was FUN and not just heavily based around on fucking to winning. I mean i did one play through of this build using the sex to heal up and over all use the stealth. The way it was intended buuuuuuuuuuuut i also did a second run through to see what i could do with the spells. Turns out if you memorized the formal in spells, you can easily tank this game and not worry about your health. Aka force push everything then Seeking arrow everything. Tadda. *Jazz Hands*. So far, over all with gameplay and as far as bugs go? Nadda. This build is pretty friggin great. did mess around with teleporting into the walls but thats to be expected as its a testing build lmao. Shit..i guess this is more of a complimentary post then constructive criticism. None the less. Im glad i pledged to you and i do look forward to the furthering development of this amazing game. Keep up the gre- Fantastic work!


Hey Mithos, you know i love your work. BUT could you pls give us a gallery or something of the sort? Because it´s SO annoying to get the scenes most of the time. Especially now, since there are even more enemies stuck on a pile. You cant lure them and you cant hit them to get attention because everyone and their mother will come in for revenge.


Actually, i just randomly thought about it after seeing the two outfit choices. Are you going to bring in more outfits? maybe have a hair up and hair down option? Having a choice in customizing even a little makes multiple playthroughs different. even if its just the visual. we tend to focus on the character the most so a switch here and there with hair or clothing can add a nice change.


The December 10th build is a barebones one that has non-hostile enemies if you just want to see the animations. It does not have the pig or bird goblins, but the pig goblin animation is not that difficult to see in the current build.


how do i play this game ,... i cant open rar file ,.. please help?


You need to download some software to unzip the rar file. I use winrar, but there are other programs out there.


Excuse me Mithos56 , I pressing space again but she dosen't initiate sex with the enemy , I can't advance to the next stage of sex animation. Thank you