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So this week, I took some time to get the default attacks and abilities all set.  This is what I'm going to be going with for now, adding new stuff as we go.

For the spells, I chose 4 of them.  Two are new, and two were already existing.  I built the new spells, added effects and animations to them.  The two older spells already had animations and effects, so those were good to go.  For all the spells I made icons.

Please not I'm not much of a draftsman, so my 2d artwork leaves something to be desired.  When I have more stuff ready to go, I'll likely hire someone to make all the icons and reticles for me.

I did go ahead and update the spell book, so it would show the icon for each spell, as well as a description.

New Spells preview:

I also gave the enemies some health bars, so you can see how damaged they are.  Not a huge thing, but a little quality of life.

This coming week, I want to focus on getting some final animations done on the new goblins, then maybe release something for you guys to take a look at!

As always I'd love to hear questions, concerns, suggestions, etc!



Great to hear that Mithos56! I would like some blueprints releases without art, in order to learn from you.


Do you have a planned release date for the final game? Is 2018 realistic? ;)

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

So by "something for you guys to take a look at" do you mean something for the patrons, or a new public release?


where can i get the latest updat?




Any beta release to touch?


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/game-build-for-8554648">https://www.patreon.com/posts/game-build-for-8554648</a>


Can we get a new demo release? Any new sex animations?


Yeah, My plan for this current week is to get hopefully a couple animations done and then release a new build.