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Greetings Friends!

The sticker for the January is this lovely little Grim Reaper that I originally drew for Inktober not too long ago. This little guy (who started as a big guy on an 11x17 sheet of card stock) was where I began to really loosen up and start playing with shape. Emphasis on playing. It's where I began to stop agonizing over making something realistic or plausible enough, and instead approached in the spirit of fun and tried to enhance that fun for the whole drawing.

More info in the video above if you are interested.

If you are interested in learning about how to improve your drawing, I took the time lapse footage from this edition of Art and Coffee. It's there for you as well if you are interested.

Here's the Inktober drawing after it was freshly scanned but before it was cleaned up.

And here is the final sticker.

Special thanks and welcome to our newest attractive members, Mike and Matt. Welcome to the club, you rule, and I cannot thank you enough. I'll be reaching out for your address and sending your first stickers in the February drop. You'll also be getting this Grim Reaper from this month, and our super fun logo sticker sent to all new members.

Thanks for being so great everyone!

-Gabe D.


Patreon Death Sticker


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