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Greetings Friends!
I'd like to introduce you to the most recent sticker that, I'm sure you have already received (And if you haven't for any reason, please get in touch so that I can rectify that.) I call this happy and perhaps worried looking fellow: Brain Monster.

And it is creative naming conventions like that why I get paid the big bucks!

Above is a video I made detailing where this character came from and how these stickers are designed. The number one question creative people get asked is "where do you get your ideas from?" The closest I can come to giving a coherent answer is in the video above.

The video itself is an experiment. I make videos exactly like the one above where I show a time-lapse of whatever art I am working on in that moment and wax philosophical about art and story-telling. I try to impart some of my life experience to folks who are young in their art journey.

(If you're interested, you can check it out here.)

Most of the topics come from what my art kids were asking me at the time, however in times of COVID, I have been unable to teach, and thus unable to listen to what The Youth are currently worrying about art-wise, so I have let it lapse slightly, but I digress...

I would like to extend a special Thank You to our friend La Prima Nerda for responding that she would like to see some of these videos, and I would very much appreciate if any more of you fine folks could give it a watch and let me know if it is the sort of thing you would like to see more of.  I am very interested in delivering the most value I can to the people who support me so kindly and diligently. 

Above is the finished image from which the sticker was made. Below is the finished sticker for comparison.

At time of typing, the sticker for January is in my possession and shall be dropped in a blue mailbox either today or tomorrow. If you folks want to see video about it's making, just let me know, and I shall oblige.

Lastly, I wonder if I might ask a favor of you folks who have already given me so much...

Please, tell a friend about this club. Just one friend that you legitimately think would enjoy having their own custom stickers they can't get from anywhere else. I would like to expand our club size and spread more art, joy, and art-joy in the form of adhesive monsters, space creatures, and other fun things.

Until next time friends, thanks for all you've done, and thanks for being an attractive person who likes stickers/art.

All my best,
--Gabe D.


Brain Sticker - Gabe's Sticker Club for Attractive People

This is the process of how I made the brain monster thing sticker. Hope you like it! Click to join if you're not a member already. https://www.patreon.com/coffeeandhate?fan_landing=true


LaPrimaNerda (Sarah Davis)

It's so interesting to see how you work from a color-blind perspective. Even though my art is sometimes JUST color, I spend time taking quick pictures and making grayscale on purpose to make sure the values match the focal point, etc I'm going for. How we work are both very similar and kinda different from each other. :)