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Hey guys, as you might have noticed, I stopped working on Hedon's Wikipedia documentation a while ago. The reason is quite simple - it takes just too much damn time to handle, and now that I'm working on a new game, I don't want to spread myself too thin.

I have thus decided to hire Mr. Red (also known as Necrolad on Discord) to help me out with it, so he'll be writing a few articles every month from now on. He knows Hedon's lore well enough, so I hope he'll do as good of a job as I could centralizing all the lore bits and information into the Wiki.

To start us off, here's the page on the Icepeak Dwarves! And speaking of Dwarves, I'm still figuring out some boring stuff related to Haggard, but once I have something interesting I'll post an update. Until then, maybe I can get another snippet of what Vostyok has been working on too :^)


Icepeak Dwarves

The Icepeak Dwarves are a faction of Dwarven remnants who reside in Icepeak, a fortress overlooking Mountain Valc from its highest climbs. After their once prominent underground civilization crumbled, this particular community decided to leave their native environment and venture into the Overworld in hopes to build their nation anew.


Mr Red

Really glad to work on it! I think the article turned out quite well, the dwarves have a cool dynamic in that they're good at what they do, but they're frustrated by the fact their ancestors did it better. I hope we see more Brewers in the setting because they seem like a cool viewpoint in that some of them act as spies, presumably they get to work in taverns, listen to the loose lips and send back word when they hear something important. That part's just speculation though. Man, I need to do a new run of Hedon. Specifically Bloodrite, I keep meaning to pick it up. Either way, I'll make sure to get somewhat regular wiki pages out, so I hope you guys look forward to it!