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I've spent the last couple of weeks mostly making and remaking stuff. It is an unfortunate reality that although Haggard is very much an old school game in style and scope, the engine it will run on (Godot) isn't.

I was pretty enthusiastic to use TrenchBroom (the Quake map editor) to flesh out the levels, but unfortunately it seems to not gel well with the sensibilities of a modern game engine. It works 90% fine, but it's that 10% that makes using it insensible, at least as far as me and Papy can tell right now.

Anyway, here's some of the decoration objects I made in TB being re-imported and re-processed in Blender with separate simplified colliders.

Next up, I'll have to do the same for the chunk of map I made and essentially shift from TrenchBroom to making levels in Blender. Oh, boy, what a joy.




It's a bummer I know mate, but, like what you've experienced with this, the guys over at Nightdive did the same thing with System Shock going from Unity to Unreal 4. And, if it makes things easier, go for it I say, but then again I'm not a developer, so I don't know a while lot. But, you do you, and that'll be fine. Just wondering though...if Nightdive released a public version of their Kex Engine, would you use that in any future games?

Zan the Bonebreaker

I have no idea what Kex Engine is like, but since it appears to be a jack of all trades, I doubt it would make my life easier in the same sense a highly specialized engine like GZDoom did.


Zan, I have a question for you. Is it possible for me to make a Hedon map pwad? I usually make doom map in the summer, and I was wonding if it was possible to make a Hedon map instead one year. In ultimate doom builder, if I add Hedon.ipk3 and hgzdoom.pk3 as resources, I get a bunch of "Unable to find sprite lump" errors, but it seems to more or less work anyway. I couldn't work out how to make a door that needs one of the Hedon keys, so I opened up one of your maps and I see that each door has it's own script. Am I going to run into any big problems? Am I ok to make a Hedon map?

Zan the Bonebreaker

I have the same errors, ignore them. Yes, you'll have to make scripts, to check the player's inventory for keys and such, but otherwise you should be good. If you're on Discord, feel free to share progress/ask for help there :^)


I don't understand the tech to well, but it sounds like going from a Ford model T to a 2010 Nissan. Close?