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The game is essentially a Doom mod (although I use Freedoom : Phase  Two as in iwad), but it will obviously have no connection to the  original Doom other than the base of the engine it works on.

As  you can see in the picture (dynamic lights, slopes/terrain geometry), I  am using an advanced fan made source port called QZDoom. It is a popular  engine and a lot of people have been creating amazing mods with it. I  suggest you to look into it as well, as a lot of these projects are way  above simple mods. They are amazing underrated games that can get to be  more fun than a fucking triple A title nowadays.

And  speaking of nowadays, the game obviously aims to stick to the holy  build/doom engine FPS formula. Apart from pixel art, it will feature an  unrestrictive level design, fun arsenal, armor and health, pickups,  secret areas and little concern for shoving anything down your throats. I  aim to make a simple, honest shooter that draws its’ originality and  appeal from a concept that I have been developing for years now. No  quick time events. No bloom, flares or endless seas of broken concrete.  Nothing fancy. Nothing special. Just a good ‘ol shooter.



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