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After months of trial  and error, search and discovery, and generally tons of learning by  myself, I can officially start my first video game project: Hedon. The  concept traces years behind, as I have constantly developed a fantasy  world, and just as I have discovered the world of Doom modding, I have  realised that I can finally do something with all the ideas I had.

As  a one man development team, I have to manage the whole project: coding,  scripting, drawing, scenario writing, level design/editing, animation,  modelling and pretty much everything that you will see here from now on  (minus the engine/source code, of course). I already have someone  collaborating with me for the soundtrack, and I am also looking forward  to contacting some local bands. Of course, I will need some voice acting  and some finer code chunks, and for this purpose, I am considering  creating a Patreon where everyone can support the project (as I have 0  budget and pretty much am forced to work on it in my free time).

But  for now, I will start posting some screenshots and various things I’m  working on. The game already has a growing skeleton, and I have started  working on the very first level of it already.

Anyway, stay tuned, like, reblog, share and give feedback and support me into making Hedon big, ‘cause it’s a thing now!

- Zan


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