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Merry Christmas! Santa has certainly brought me enough strength and inspiration to finish this beast!

As you can see from all the overlaying layers, it's probably the most vertical map I have ever drafted so far. Suffice to say, I'm very happy with how it came out and how it flows, inter-connects and loops. Hopefully I'll improve it even further when I actually get to actually make it in 3D.

I also have a lot of cool objectives and interactions planned for it, which will be pure imsim fun if we can get it all implemented. :^)

Anyway, enjoy the holidays, I'll be moving on to sketching the next map!




That's looks really awesome mate, and can't wait to see it rendered in the future. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year mate! Hope you and yours are having an awesome time! 🤘😎🤘🛷🕹🎮🍻🎊🎁🍰🎄🌌🎈🍺