【鹿間貴裕Works】Character design -MEE- (Patreon)
Character design is one of the most important task for animating
Generally we use 3 pictures which 3 view from in front of, from back, from side whatever whole body. This picture will be base. We are working in a project while watching this any time.
One of the reason preparing 3 pictures is to prevent to make mistakes in drawing. Character designers have to take care to draw the parts that hiding in somewhere and whenever this is not symmetry and so on. From the beginning I don't recommend you to use asymmetry pictures because is would get confused for any sections.
And this picture will be send to every section, and will be used. To 動画、原画、仕上げ、撮影、美術、演出、監督. So if the design would be late, all of section would be late more.
Please promise to keep the schedule on your job! Please!!