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Got any New Year's questions for the 'boys, Emma & Yusong? Hit us up... we may answer on an upcoming Double!



Happy 2023! (Long time listener, first time asking a question) I currently work as a copywriter for board games. Despite Nick’s documented bias for video games, I was wondering if 2023 could be the year that Doughboys designs an analog game. Do you have any ideas about the gameplay or any other elements you would want in the game? Or maybe you have other ideas for chain restaurant related games? Any personal favorite board games? Thanks in advance for doing my job for me.


Hey Mitch and Burger Boy, what was your bite of the year for 2022?


If you could only have fast food once a year, which chain would you choose and what would you order?


Bring on Dan from Knowledge Fight


Book question: I have enjoyed hearing the Doughboys team's thoughts on various movies over the years. I would be interested to hear if any of you have one or more books that hold a special place in your hearts. On a related note, is there a particular book you have been intending to read for some time that you want to finally get to in 2023? Best wishes to all of you (and to fellow listeners) for the new year. Joe in Conway, Arkansas.


You guys talk a lot about how Shaq is a great replacement for disgraced spokesperson Papa John (he's great!), I wanna hear your pitches for a new Subway spokesperson!


Speaking of books (hi, Joe from Arkansas), I hope Mitch has supportive people in his life to help him process the . . . uncomplimentary treatment of Quincy in Percival Everett’s new novel, Dr. No. It would be spoilery to say too much, but hoo boy, the city gets roasted pretty intensely. Also, there is a minor character named Mitchell, so maybe the whole book is a roast of Mitch?


Mark from Kalamazoo: As someone on the spectrum going to restaurants can be overwhelming. Often I have to research the menu ahead of time so I don't get choice paralysis. This is also why I don't often go to too many different places. I think for me the perfect setup is an applebees at 12 on a weekday and sit at the bar so no one is near me. Do you have other restaurants that you think would fit that kind of criteria. Also I suspect with Wiegs love of trains and anti-social tendencies that he might be a fellow asd. Love the show.


F, marry, kill: Wiger’s wife, Mitch’s mom, Qbert


Hi Doughboys, Emma and Yusong. Happy Chew Year! I've had Covid twice since June and my cardio is washed, I've put on about 25kg in that time. Assuming the virus did roughly as much damage as eating fast food twice a week for a podcast, any tips on mitigating catastrophic damage to health and fitness? Lifting stats (post-covid, in kg) Squat/Bench/Deadlift 200/140/220


I'm curious, what are y'all's MBTI? It seems like Mitch is def an E_F_ while Wiger is more of an I_TJ. I'm INFJ. Thanks y'all!


I need more info on Wolly and Irma's relationship. Are they super close? Do they cuddle together? Tend to stay in the same room as each other? Or are they more like siblings who would only see each other on holidays but also they have to share a toilet.