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Yusong Liu (twitch.tv/yu_song, Youtube) joins Emma and the 'boys to discuss Athletic Greens ad reads, embarrassing spills, and Mitch's dream before answering listener questions for a special Holiday edition of the Biggie Feedbag.


Jon Maxwell

So excited for the Christmas Special. Thank you all for doing it every year. It truly is one of my favorite things year in and year out.


Christmas not being a cookie holiday is one of the wildest takes I’ve heard on this wonderful show.


New Mexico = New England


happy to have been raised in the California region of New England.


I was wondering why Mitch did the coffee ad read (said a person who listens to Doughboys way too much lol)...

Britt B

OMG! Xmas cookies are a huge deal!!!!! At least for Italians and Polish!!! SO MANY Xmas-specific cookies: Spritz, Pizelle, Gingerbread, Crescents, Ameretto cookies, Pignoli, Cucidati, Kolaczki….There are so many cookies my grandma (Italian) and my husband’s grandma (Polish) ONLY make on Christmas. It’s like, a huge deal.

David Brown

Of course Wigner thought meeting someone was "electronic"

William J Cox

Rocky and Bullwinkle was awesome! What is Mitch talking about?


doughboys listener voice: it’s not fair that we pay for the patreon and Wiger still made us listen to the AG1 ad read…

kent allen

where the hell is matt was huge! thats so funny

Stephen David Miller

I very vividly remember Where The Hell Is Matt. Good for Wiger spilling punch on that dude.

Brendan Livingston

you guys dropped the ball on the xmas cookie talk. hershey kiss peanut butter cookie

Britt B

Yes! My opportunity to be vindicated!!!!! A whole episode on Christmas Cookies!