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Betsy Sodaro (Duncanville, We Love Trash) joins the ‘boys to discuss world traveling before a review of the first episode of The Golden Girls in another edition of the Doughboys Pilot program.




Betsy is an absolute 👸


God yes god yes god yes I haven’t even listened yet but GOD YES MY FAVORITE DAMN PEOPLE


Love Betsy! Love the Golden Girls! A stellar ep!!


Love this, & I agree with the comments in the ep about the show feeling comfy & "like home." I also feel that way in the cozy confines of the GG kitchen, living room, & lanai (as well as in the less frequently shown bedrooms which are decorated with awe-inspiring '80s Miami realness (wallpaper with huge palm fronds!!). I also want to say that (even though Wiger won't read this), a long flight to Europe from the west coast can seem daunting & I personally think way too much about it for months beforehand, it completely blows but I can pretty much guarantee it won't ruin your trip! All my flights over there have been awful in a mundane way (no sleep during the 10-12 hr flight, feeling trapped & cramped, feeling anxious about getting up to use the restroom, etc) but the ickiness of it all isn't what sticks with me from those trips. 🙂 (& let me add, I'm 2 years older than Wiger so I know how it feels on an early-middle-aged body 👵!)


I loved Mitch’s memories of watching this with his grandma because I also used to watch the golden girls with my grandma. We’d also watch the A-Team together, which is sort of the equivalent of Golden Girls for boys.


Almost sounded like “Ocome to Doughboys Double”

Rebe K

In the Cocaine Eighties, my parents would drop me and my sister off every weekend at my grandmas so they could party, and so many great memories watching this with that awesome lady! I definitely rewatch it when I need an extreme dose of nostalgia.


Empty Nest was a spin off from Golden Girls. Richard Mulligan was their neighbor. They had his dog Dreyfuss on the Golden Girls frequently. Then there was a spin off from Empty Nest called Nurses. B/C the main character of Empty Nest was a doctor. Also Kristy McNichol and Diana Manoff ruled.