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Got any questions about grocery stores? Send in your queries and we may answer them on a future Double!



Hey Doughboys! Years ago as a college athlete we would travel to schools within our conference. For one meet in upstate New York, a teammate of mine introduced me to the grocery store Wegman’s, and I had one of the best sandwiches in my life. I can still remember it perfectly 13 years later. What are the most memorable prepared foods you’ve eaten from a grocery store?


The Gremlin’s name isn’t Spike. It’s Stripe! #justiceforStripe


I live in Massachusetts. Pre-covid, every morning after a major hockey or basketball game in Boston, the parking garage of The T (Subway) smells like urine and is filled with trash. Can Mitch explain why Boston sports fans are such awful people?


In pre-Covid times, what were your methods for checking if fruit was ripe? A squeeze? A lil sniff? What about post Covid?


C’mon, we all know Wiger fucks the fruit until it explodes.


Hi Doughboys, I have been recently buying taco bell mild sauce from the grocery store in order to make healthy(er) foods at home and still have them satisfy my junk food itch. Do you have any restaurant branded food retail items that you enjoy and/or purchase regularly?


I feel like I'm going to go the podcast, and the next episode is going to be 8 hours long. I'm not mad.


Hi Doughboys! I have a question. Have you ever encountered a supermarket-brand knockoff (a la “great value” or “shopper’s choice”) that’s been better than the brand-name original? Thanks men!


Hi Doughboys, I have been with my lovely wife, Caitlin, for over six years. Early on in our relationship I discovered that she is what I call a 'Mix Miner'. Meaning that, in any given snack mix (eg Trail Mix, Chex Mix, Pub Mix) she will 'mine' out her favorite bits leaving behind whatever bits she doesn't like. I'm getting tired of opening the bag of trail mix to be left with a sparse scattering of peanuts among a sea of raisins. Where do you land on the 'Mixer'/'Miner' spectrum? How do you keep the peace across 'Mixer'/'Miner' partisanship?


Grocery shopping: Mom vs. Dad. When I was growing up, my mom did all the shopping and would take me and my brother with her. Once and a while she’d leave town and then my dad would take us. These were very disparate experiences. Mostly because my dad was interested in expediency, and my mom was focused on nutrition. The only time we got Cap’n Crunch, Totino’s Pizza Rolls, or Bomb Pops was when my dad shopped. I’m almost 50, and the parenting paradigm has changed (I do most of the shopping for my family), but I’d love to hear from Y’all about grocery shopping: Mom vs. Dad.


Hey Nick and Mitch! What is your super market shopping routine? Cart or bin? Produce first then weave through aisles? Do you guys make a shopping list? Or do you improv like on the show?


I know y’all have talked about Franken-foods (sorry, Frankenstein’s Monster-foods*), but are there any Franken-brands or Franken-stores you wish existed? For example, Ben & Jerry’s style combinations in a Kellogg’s cereal form, or having the quality store brand options of say a Trader Joe’s in an Albertsons so there would be less hoity-toitiness and Mitch as a mascot. Also, while I’m on the subject of Franken-foods, as a broke vegetarian, I gotta shout out a quarantine monstrosity I’ve been calling SpEGGhetti. It’s cheap, filling and fun to say. Thanks, love the show! Peace & Love to Yusong, Emma, Wolly & Irma, too!


I had a job in the corporate office of a retailer where i was a data analyst of their bakery dept. One of the things we would do every so often is reevaluate the cookies, cakes, muffins, cupcakes, etc. to look for a better supplier. One of the things we would evaluate is taste, which meant taste testing between a handful and a dozen different types of cookies. This sounds great, until you realize you are eating a dozen or so cookies in a day! That is too much! We worked closely with the deli folks as well, so we would be included in their taste testing as well. They would have a room full of all a dozen different potato salads, and you would try them all and pick you favorite. My question to you, what would be the worst, and best food in the deli or bakery to taste test. You are going to have 12 different types of the same food, you can have one bite, (or more!) of each suppliers product.