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Got any questions for the 'boys for an upcoming Double? Comment here or leave us a voicemail at 830-GO-DOUGH.




So re: Palpatine's Fortnite message for Rise of Skywalker, this actually wasn't the only thing like this in the movie. I went to Disneyland last week and on Star Tours they had just updated it so Lando appears to rally you to come fight the Final Order in that final battle. It fucking sucked. Also Mitch have you / will you watch The Mandalorian? I turned against the new trilogy after JJ biffed it so bad in Ep 9, but it actually gives me hope that maybe Disney can make great Star Wars things.


Hi boys! I’ll keep this short, sweet and...extremely personal?! Since Nick is married to a Vietnamese woman and gets to eat Viet food at their get togethers, Mitch, what ethnicity would your ideal partner be?


Do you have any restaurants and/or food orders that are indelibly nailed to a certain time period (or place, I guess) in your life, so much so that the thought of ordering it now is almost upsetting? For me, a late-night pepperoni and jalapeño pizza from Blackjack Pizza (at Campbell & Grant in Tucson, AZ) is something that only exists from 2006-2008, my first two years of college. I was visiting recently and, driving past Blackjack, was just struck with an overwhelming sense of...wrongness about it.


Hey Dough Kings and Queen Emma! Have you ever had a Tomatoe Pie? I think it may be regional to Philly and the North East but curious your thoughts if you’ve encountered one. Thanks!


Hey boys, love the show. Y'all are major inspirations for me and my co-host on our own weekly radio show. However, sometimes I find myself getting bogged down by the shallow socializing I have with my guests. I've always admired how you treat your guests; what is your advice for practicing mindfulness with your guest during an interview? P.s. Mitch, I also have squinty eyes and I think wiger's eyes are too wide!


Mitch, does it bother you that Ryan Whitney now has his own alcohol?


Hey doughbabes what type of cuisine would you like to see become more widespread with chains?


Do you guys have any tattoos? Additionally, if you had to get one food-related tattoo what would it be and why?


Hello, My jackass friend was bragging that he eats Taco Bell Fire Sauce (from a store-bought jar) at least 5 days a week and therefore could definitely identify all 4 Taco Bell Hot Sauce Varietals in a blind taste test. We tried this and long story short, he failed big time with a humiliating 25% success rate (not even getting the Fire Sauce right). I have some photos I’ll be emailing to you and I’ll also be calling this in as it’s clearly critical it gets on the podcast. I suggest you recreate this Scientific Achievement with Taco Bell, Del Taco, or whatever. Good luck! PS Ska rules, get Dicky Barrett and Let’s Go Bowling on the podcast, also please leave some My Other Brother Darrel practice takes at the end of a Double. Thanks! Eric


What was the best chain restaurant & Movie/IP tie in. Burger King used to have those Star Wars glasses, McDonalds had Furby Happy Meal toys & the Monopoly game, Dennys had the Hobbit Menu, all the YUM brands had a wide Episode 1 toy and menu tie in. What were your favorites?


The year is 2030, and scientists have developed a way to splice human DNA with that of a cat or dog. You get to select which physical characteristics you would like (i.e. claws, fangs, fluffy ears, etc.), however, they can only eliminate two food allergies that cats and dogs share. Of these five potential types of foods, which three would you choose to live without: Alcohol, Chocolate, Caffeinated products, Dairy, or Garlic & Onions. Also, would you choose to be part dog or cat?


2 words: Wendy’s Breakfast